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( sorry if I don't add capitals or mess up spelling, I type fast ) 

I sat on my bed reading a book before bed, Every night I enjoy reading a bit. My brother is always doing work in his room, he wants to be a C.E.O of our dads buisness when he grows older, I don't really know what I wanrt to be yet. My parents keep buggging me to be a lawyer or a nurse, I don't know. 

I have a few friends, I don't hang out with them that much, I don't like to hang out all the time, plus I love spending time reconecting with myself. I enjoy planting things in our greenhouse and cooking with my nana for dinner, she's very stern and wants me to be very sucsessfull with my life just like my mom and dad. I like reading as you know and I like to play tennis.

My brother and dad go golfing in the summer and me and my mom go to the country club and I play tennis while she talks with her friends. My mom is usally busy at her work but when she's off she's either shopping or at the country club. Every month she has her mom club at our house and they discuss things to do better for the inviornemnt and the schools, saftey at school just stuff like that. My mom works as a cardiologyst, I still don't really understand what it is, she wants me to be one but I don't want to work in the health department, it freaks me out.

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My alarm went off at 5:30 am and I got up to have a shower before school, I usally shower, Blow dry my hair, straighten it, get dressed, do my makeup, do my hair, eat breakfast, brush my teeth and then leave. By the time im out the door in my car its 7:45 and my school starts at 8:00. 

My brother has his own car, we usally do totaly different things so if we had to share a car it would be hamock. I drive a white jeep and my brother Xavier drives a grey mercedez. 

I drove into my personal parking space and walked into the school, It was still the first month of school and all the freshmen were still trying to find out their classes. I walked to my locker and put my bag away, I checked my phone for any new messgaes but it was all just people commenting on my posts. 

As I closed my locker and locked it I saw this new guy I hadn't seen in a long time, for some reason I recodnized him, maybe from elementary school? Maybe from around town, There is a lot of new people this year. He looked at me and gave me a dirty look. 

What was that for?

I just continued walking back to my class and wondered why he did that. It made no sence. But anyways, Im always on the bright side, making things better, I try to look at life as if everything was going okay so then it wouldn't be so bad, I can tell you the honest truth and say it doesn't always work but it's good to be happy cause it spreads.

I have a boyfriend, His name is Tommy. I don't really, like him? My parents kind of forced me to date him, he's also "rich". I hate saying that, rich... It seems so, bratty. I like Tommy though, He can be very sweet to me and is nice, He already has a well paying job at my fathers work and gets paid $40 dollars an hour. Him and Xavier talk, not alot but enough to be somewhat friends. They just talk with eachother. 

I met Tommy in the summer, Were pretty comfortable around eachother, he likes to read sometimes too, he can be quiet and also very silly around me, He has short blonde hair, he is just a bit taller than me, almost the same height and has a very healthy body. He doesn't play any sports, I've always wanted to go to a sports game to cheer for my boyfriend but that wont happen, he wont play sports cause he doesn't have time and he cannot get ingured for work. 

Tommy is 19, Im 18 but my parents like it, they say he's perfect for me, my nana gave him her blessing to marry me two weeks after we started dating, I don't know if Tommy is going to be the man I marry, I really want to find him for myself but they don't want me "messing" up my life. 

I got through my first two classes and by then it was time for lunch, my friend Alyssa and I decided to drive out to Connies Bookstore and Diner for lunch while she goes over her notes and also because Connie has the best coffee. 

She and I went in my jeep and pulled into the parking lot, it was a small cafe just on the highway by a small plaza. It has light brown bricks and a nice bench outside, it's very welcoming. 

When we got inside we got to a table by the window and I placed my schoolbag there and picked out my book from my bag. Connie came up to us and asked us what we'd like. Connie was a cute old lady who has had this cafe open for a few years now, we go here almost every lunch break to give her some company, she always has around four tables full of people, some people are just here to take out books from the library or talk. 

"Can I please just have the pumpkin spice iced coffee?" I asked, Connie had Pumpkin spiced stuff year round, it was her favourite. "And can I please just have an Iced Coffee and a Lettuce Ham sandwhich?" Alyssa asked, Connie nodded and left to get us our food. 

I continued reading my book while Alyssa just read over her notes. As connie came back with our food and drinks I looked around the building and saw the guy from school this morning in the library. The guy who gave me a bad look. I looked at him for a while as he picked up the same book I was reading now. He looked back at me then looked away. Soon after he checked out the book and left, still, I am confused with his behavior. 

I sipped my Pumpkin Spiced Iced Coffee until it was time for school to start again, we packed up and payed Connie. "Be here tommorow!" I said, I gave her a nice smile and left to go to my car. 

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