Like a dream I had

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  his hand slowly touched her thigh Goosebumps crawled along her back he slowly lifted her face to his kissing her deep and close she loved him all of him she wanted him but could never have him till this moment she slid her hands to his chest his to her waist they kissed and kissed then he slide his hands to her shorts stops kissing her and looks her in the eyes with a grin slowly but surely slipping his hands into her pants

*beep* *beep*

she woke up and sweaty toes curled she should have known better she can't have him he would never want her in this way not at least not with this body for now she will take what she can get small kisses that last not even a second she loves him but he will never love her the same not this way she can only dream of the things she wants and if only he knew He would probably be disgusted in her that's why she keeps things so to herself and when he asked what's on her mind she lies she could never tell him if he knew he'd leave her from disgust if only he knew

She went on with her day getting dressed having breakfast going to school seeing him giving slight pecks on the cheek and neck him slowly touching her thigh her thinking about her dream his hands touching her the Goosebumps if only she could have that but she could never have that so she lost her imagination looked at him looked at him like she's never looked at him before but today was different he looked back just as eager to kiss her she was to kiss him maybe he does think the same things that she thinks If Only They Knew if only they talk to each other but do they no not ever but they should

this happens for more days she has the dream he looks at her she looks at him but it's been a few days now and today is a new week today's Monday a new Monday he looks at her but not the same as she looked at him she looked at him and he looked at her and they stared at one another not for long because out of nowhere he kisses her but not for a second not for a minute not for 10 minutes they sit there they sit there and they kiss and kiss she doesn't know what's different today but she loves it she wants this everyday but she can't have it but she'll take what she can get

her imagination drifts off to her dreams the Goosebumps toes curly the sweatiness the breaths The Whispers In The Air his hands her shorts she stops she looks at him and she asks what's different today no response just more kissing she doesn't mind though they stay like this for a little bit it's not like anybody can see it's after school they're alone waiting for the ride and she wishes that this moment will never end she's waiting for the alarm but no beep beep no nothing it just keeps happening he just keeps taking deeper breaths and kissing her for longer she has no complaints she loves this

he starts growing she doesn't know if it's a good one or a bad one she stops and she asks do you even want to be doing this why are you doing this but still nothing no response then she goes and looks around no one then they hear something he looks at her she looks at him the ride pulls up he hugs her and leads her to the car they take her home and later that night when they're on call she's thinking she's thinking back to the dream she's thinking about the dream she's imagining it more and more and more and then all of the sudden here it comes again he slowly touches her thigh he's slowly lingers his fingers he slowly slides his fingers up her shorts now skirt it's a skirt this time why a skirt who knows he slides his fingers up and down her thighs she doesn't mind she loves this the thrill and everything that comes with it.

he looks at her lips and not those ones on her face now if you're imagining what's happening you understand what I mean as the narrator of the story I can tell you that what's going to happen dirty and not very quick she's been waiting for this moment and apparently he has been too is this a dream or is this real life who knows we'll just have to wait and see we'll just have to wait and see and see what happens because something's definitely going to happen whether it's in the Stream or if it's in real life hopefully it's in real life she prays for it to be in real life she's not really a god girl but if praying to him gets her that d then she'll pray and she'll pray because it's all she wanted it's all she's Wanted for real long time and maybe it's all he's ever wanted maybe all he's ever wanted this whole relationship while he was so shy to kiss her maybe it's because he also wanted this he wanted her and all the way she wanted him 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2023 ⏰

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