Monday, 10/11/23

12 1 2

I was sitting in social studies class and we were being separated into groups to discuss something, and 2 girls who were friends were telling the teacher to put them in a group and shit. And one of them said "move [insert sports boy name] and put me there" and then the sports boy turned around and mumbled to her "no move [insert deadname] and put you there" which wasn't the bad part, I already know I'm the weird kid, so it makes sense that he would be an ass to me. But I wouldn't expect it from the girl at another table, cuz we used to be like really close friends, but not only did she nod and mumble back yea, she looked at me before she did

Whether she truly meant it or not is something I don't know, but I felt like shit for the rest of the day, it just really hurt that someone I used to be friends with and still kinda am friends with would do that. I miss them as a friend though.

Sad shit, idkWhere stories live. Discover now