ᥴһᥲ⍴𝗍ᥱr ᥆ᥒᥱ:the ribbons🎀

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Hi I'm gangle and I'm basically a ribbon with a mask. I'm 26 years old and im mostly bullied by Jax because... I actually don't know why Jax wants to bully me,maybe because he just thinks I'm a plain crybaby. "Okay everyone one minute before showtime! " Caine said  while floating in the air with Bubble beside him with a big toothy grin. "Where is kaufmo? I hope he's ok" ragatha said while looking around for kaufmo. "Maybe he's in his room, like he always is. " Jax said before I could say anything

I looked at kinger as he looked back at me and we both shrugged at the same time. Kinger was pretty much my only friend in the digital circus. Ever since queenie abstracted I felt bad for him because I understood his feelings. Because when you lose a loved one it's kinda sad. I asked zooble if she wanted too be my friend too but she didn't want too, which made me sad."everyone get into places the show is about too start! "Caine said as he got too his place. So  I followed Caine's instructions and got into my spot. Now was my time too shine..

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