Staff Meeting

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This is an idea I've been playing around with for a while. I wanted to get it out there to see if anyone would be interested. I am not abandoning any of my other stories, I will finish those, even if it takes me a decade and everyone has long forgotten about them.
This chapter is short as I'm just testing the waters with it.
Anyways, On to the Chapter!

Aizawa hated staff meetings.

He found them a waste of the very little time he had between teaching class and going on his nightly patrols. Most of them were for frivolous things that could easily be handled with a short email or text.

Today was not one of those meetings.

"I'm sure you all know why I've called this meeting," Nezu, a small white animal and the principal of the school, said from his chair.

Aizawa and all of his colleagues scowled.

It'd been two days since his students had been victims of a large-scale and planned attack on their school. Two days since Aizawa had to watch his student push themselves to their absolute limits to survive. Two days since he had failed as a hero and as a teacher.

"I won't waste time going over something I'm sure you've all beat yourself up over already," Nezu said gravely. "Instead we're going to discuss what needs to change for us to avoid a similar situation happening again."

Aizawa snorted, drawing the attention of the other pro heroes in the room.

"Something to add Aizawa?" Nemuri asked, all traces of her seductress persona gone.

Aizawa shook his head and scoffed.

"I think it's pretty obvious what one of us can do to make the school safer."

Aizawa pointed a bandaged finger accusingly toward Toshinori, the large man having the decency to look ashamed.

"How did you burn through your seven-hour time limit before our field trip," Aizawa snarled.

Aizawa had never liked All Might, he found his loud and overly positive attitude too much to stomach. Since he'd been given the opportunity to work with him, he found himself liking him even less.

"People needed help I ha-"

"We are in a city with one of the highest hero populations on the planet, I'm sure someone else could have helped those people," Aizawa said in response to All Might's unfinished answer. "You're student needed you and you prioritized your ego over their safety."

Aizawa punctuated his statement with a challenging glare.

"He's right you know," a new and metallic voice said.

Aizawa immediately turned toward the doorway and was slightly taken aback by who it was.

Leaning casually on the doorframe was Japan's Number Two Hero, Wavebreak. He was a tall man suited in an intricate set of amour that concealed his face. Where his eyes would be were blue flames. The design of his costume was familiar, yet Aizawa couldn't figure out why.

"Wavebreak, how nice of you to join us," Nezu said cheerfully. "I assume your trip over here was pleasant."

Wavebreak snorted as he pushed himself off the wall and sat down in an empty chair.

"We both know that's bullshit," Wavebreak scoffed. "Villians have been extra uppity since UA's latest oopsie."

Aizawa bristled at the hero's dismissal of the dangers his students faced. He was about to say something but was beaten to the punch by Nemuri.

"What brings you here today Number Two? It's my understanding that you're a busy man."

Wavebreak nodded in agreement.

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