Chapter 1

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Summer, one of my favourite seasons. More so since having my children, they were born in the middle of summer. June to be precise. Harry always says how it's his favourite month too. Speaking of Harry and the kids, they're playing outside. I came in to get some refreshments for us all. I walk back out side to our garden and smile at what I see, the kids chasing after Harry as he tries to escape them. They're five now, thick as thieves. Always doing everything they can together.

"Daddy!" Harmony, our little girl shouts before giggling. Both her and Hunter, our little boy, finally grab Harry's legs which make him fall down. I walk to them as they all begin to laugh.

"We got you Daddy." Hunter states.

"That you did." Harry smiles, he looks at me.

"I see that you both managed to catch daddy." I speak, they look at me now.

"Mummy!" They say together, I crouch down to their height. I hold out the tray with the drinks on, they run over and take their drinks and sit down. Harry smiles and takes his, sitting next to them. I place the tray down and sit with them, Harry takes his hand in mine. The kids get back up and begin to play again, leaving me and Harry alone.

"They're full of energy again." Harry informs me.

"They're always full of energy." I remind him. "Not sure who they get it from really, I think we both had too much energy."

"What do you mean had? We still have too much energy, especially you when you get excited about something."

"I know." I grin and kiss his cheek.

"It's amazing isn't it?"

"What's that?"

"All of this, our little family. After everything that happened."

"It's been amazing since we got back together." He smiles. "We should probably get them ready for bed, it's getting late."

"You know they'll not come in, they never do."

"And that is your fault."

"How is that my fault?"

"You're the one who loves night, not me."

"Okay, I'll give you that."

-Later that night-

I shoot up from my bed as I hear a loud crash, I look at Harry who was also sat up. We quickly get out and rush to the twins room. Once we get there, the room is a mess. A broken vase lays on the floor by the open window.

"No!" I cry out, how can somebody do this. Who would do this? 

"Hallie." Harry speaks, I look at him and see that he has a note in his hands. I quickly go over and read it. 

'If you want them alive, you will do as I say. When I say. You do not deserve these children as yours, pirate. I will always be better than you. I will always be the better father. I am a better husband than you. She's too scared to say so, but she will see soon. I am better. I will always be the best. -PHJR'

"Who the hell is PHJR?" Harry questions, it doesn't take me long to figure out who it is.

"Prince Hans JR." I sigh. "He's a dead man walking."

"The guy who wanted you back on the Isle when we first got together?" I nod. "The same guy who's been sending you flowers for fiver years?"

"Sadly yes. We need to ring the others now." I rang the security first and then my parents and Ben, Harry rung the others.

     The guards were patrolling around and trying to find out how this happened. I was pacing back and fourth in the living room, all our family were there. Well almost all, we were waiting on Hades and Harry's side of the family. 

"Hallie." I hear Hades's voice, I turn and watch as he and Harry's family walk in. He walks over and embraces me in a hug. "I'm going to kill him! I already have people on the Isle looking for him."

"I have notified all the other places in our kingdom, there's no way he's going to get away with this." Ben assures me as Hades stops hugging me.

"You said there was a note." I hand Hades the note, he reads it.  "Did you two have a thing at all?"

"God no." I scoff. "He wanted me once he knew Harry had me, he tried to take me once but Harry sorted him out."


"Punched him, knocked him down."

"That's my boy." James, Harry's dad comments.

"For the last 5 years he's been sending me flowers, at first I thought they were from Harry but he said they weren't. We've tried multiple times to find where he sent them from but the shops always says it was some random kid, a different one each time." I tell them all, Harry puts his arm around me and pulls me closer.

"We'll find them babe." He tells me. 

"Your majesty." A guard says as he walks in and hands Ben a note. 

"Thank you." Ben says before he reads the note, he soon begins to frown. 

"What is it son?" Beast asks him.

"Who delivered this note?" Ben demands from the guard. 

 "We don't know, it was left at the entrance." The guard replies.

"Where the hell was the patrol!?" Hades yells in anger, his blue flames now getting higher through his hair.

"Dad." Mal says calmly to get him to calm down, he takes a couple deep breaths before calming down.

"I uh, I don't know where they were sir. I came to swap patrol with Michael. Nobody was there." The guard answers.

"Who's there now?" I ask.

"I arrived with Derek, your highness."

"And Michael does he have short brown hair, about same size as Ben. Scar on his right eyebrow. Bit scrawny looking but very loyal?" They all look at me confused.

"Yes ma'am, that's exactly him."

"Fuck." I mumble.

"What is it Hallie?" Jay asks me.

"He's one of Hans's kids. His father disowned him, we did all the checks. He had nothing to do with his father since the day he came here. But I have a feeling he's been very much involved in still seeing his father."

"Get what spare guards you can looking for Michael." Ben tells the guard, he quickly nods before leaving.

"Where is he now then?"

"He took an interest in Oakley, he asked for the night off to take her out. I saw him before Ben got here though, he told me he left the date to come here once he got the call about what's happened." I look at Ben. "What does the note say?"

"He wants to meet Hallie. Alone."

"Not happening." Harry quickly protests. "I am not leaving her side."

"Where?" I ask.

"I agree with the Pirate boy. Not happening." Hades agrees.

"If I don't go, he may hurt my children." I look at Harry. "Our children. I can't not go knowing that he has that chance."

"It just says he'll know when she's agreed to it." Ben says.

"But that means somebody here is betraying us." Evie states, Belle lets out a gasp of shock.

"We already know it's Michael though. Don't we?" CJ, Harry's sister asks.

"We don't know that for sure. And on top of that, he'll know we're looking for him. If he's working for his dad then he'll be hiding by now." Harry says. "There's got to be somebody else here who has betrayed us."

"Any idea who?" Evie asks, Harry shakes his head. "Well, in this room we all know we can trust each other."

"It's definitely not somebody in this room." I state. "Somebody has to be listening in."

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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