Everyone has to grow up, unfortunately.

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What would happen if Helga decided Arnold and her kiss were just a heat-in-the-moment thing?

Life caught everyone by surprise, especially for Helga; she had already been an adult with adult problems since high school.

New friendships and broken friendships.

Rhonda Wellington Lloyd and Lorenzo got pay cuts for completely different reasons. Rhonda got used to getting what she wanted from daddy until daddy broke the news of getting a job and selling her mall She called a room before and during high school, while Lorenzo's mother got a $10 million pay cut as he invested in the wrong stock one to many times so Lorenzo couldn't snap his fingers and mommy wouldn't pay anymore either. Phoebe Heyerdahl and Gerald Martin Johanssen got into a relationship. Gerald Martin Johanssen is Hillwood's basketball star boy's player and got a full basketball ride to college. Phoebe Heyerdahl lives for herself instead of her parents idea of her, became a doctor, and took up netball and wrestling with Helga's help. Helga Geraldine Pataki lives for herself, not Arnold.  She didn't ignore him but she was more of an acquaintance than a "friend." Helga moved into her own apartment and worked all over Hillwood, except for Bob's failed business.  Arnold  Phillip Shortman wasn't stupid but he was dense as fuck. He walked through the halls of Hillwood High School, expecting Helga to be his. He was wrapped up in reconnecting with his parents while calling Helga repeatedly until he was met by a drunk Miram on the other end of the phone, who said she left to God knows where since she didn't want to be here. Bob and she had an argument, ending with her moving out. Arnold is frantically calling Phoebe to see if she's safe at four in the morning, furious at the situation but left with up-and-down answers to questions with a half-assed answer, "She's safe," followed by her hanging up.

Years went by of a furious Arnold Then COVID-19 hit and everything went both uphill and downhill. Everyone wants to return to Hillwood, and as for Helga, she's glad she escaped.

Arnold is stuck in San Lorezno.

Phoebe is a doctor who works with COVID-19 patients daily in Chicago.

NBA Garald is stuck in NYC with Gerald and Phoebe's four children.

Lila owns a farm in Pennsylvania.

Rhonda is stuck in Hillwood, begging Daddy to be back on the pay roll.

CEO Genuis Brainy is at one of his holiday houses in Peru.

Body Builder Herald is in Illinois with his supermodel wife, Patty.

Lorezno had a temper tantrum and is stuck in Paris with no way home, not being on mommy's pay roll anymore.

Child and adolescent psychologist Helga lives in a mansion in Denmark. [Dr. Bliss was her recommendation for the top physics schools which Helga's got full rides regardless of colleges.]

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2023 ⏰

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