Chapter 4- Darkness

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Also a note: I'm working on a more interesting cover besides this current cover. It might take me a while since I have to transfer the drawing to my computer because I'm a traditional artist. But one day, there will be a NEW COVER! :D

 The next day, all of the Ninja (and Grace) all woke up and got out of bed. " Did the scanner pick up anything?" Arin sleepily asked Zane as he rubbed his eyes in the control room. Zane stood blankly with his back to the others, trying to process something."Is it just me or do I hear that loading computer sound?" Grace asked as they heard the processing computer sound whirling around in the air. "Nothing has been picked up at all, not even at night," Zane said with a sigh."We are nowhere near oni or dragon territory." "Hey, has anyone seen Lloyd?" Arin asked as they all walked to the dining room where Zane had already prepared breakfast. (Zane literally needs no sleep so he stayed up all of that night)"Nope. He might still be sleeping,"Grace replied as she fiddled with her hair while walking. "Yeah, you're probably right," Arin responded.

That was not true.

Lloyd was up, wide awake, but he did not want to leave his room. In fact, he just wanted to cuddle under his blanket and just hide.The night before, Lloyd had a terrible dream. He was in some prison, and so were the other Ninja, all of them, and the dragons. Then he heard a voice that ran a chill down his spine. He couldn't tell who it was, but they said,"Oh, you'll be very useful. I've been waiting to do this for ages. To get revenge on the exact people who opposed me. The ones who exiled me from their realm, I'll be glad to do what I'm about to do to you all. Especially you," while pointing at Lloyd. He couldn't see their face clearly, but their eyes glowed purple and stared into the depths of Lloyd's soul. "I hope you didn't think you were the oni one," he heard them mutter before he felt a striking pain inside of him,burning inside of him. And when he woke up he saw himself in his Oni form. He also had a terrible headache and decided to stay inside his room for everyone else's sake. That is, until he found out how to return back to normal. Lloyd tried everything. He tried to hurt himself in attempts that would return him back to his regular self, but had failed. Then he remembered what Grace told him. " I've controlled it all of my life. You need to practice and hone it. At some point you will be able to control it and use it at will. In order to do that, you have to balance the goodness and evil inside of you." Grace's voice said in his head. Better to try than be sorry. So Lloyd tried to focus, concentrate on his human side, or even his dragon side. He just didn't want to be in his Oni form any longer. Then he felt something overtake him. Like he wasn't in control of his own body. Sorry bud, you desperately need someone to let out anger for you. You can't deny it, his Oni side said inside his head. Lloyd felt a sense of anger building up in his veins. Now he felt like he could let out his anger, so he could be back to normal. Lloyd saw himself in the mirror for a second and realized something. This wasn't him. "NOO!" he yelled as he shattered the mirror, its multiple shards piercing into his skin.

Grace balanced a tray in her hands as she walked towards Lloyd's room. Zane had given her some food and told her to bring it to Lloyd's room so he wouldn't go hungry. Grace looked around and kept on seeing security cameras in every corner, which she knew was for protection, but for some reason, she couldn't help but get nervous. Grace knocked on Lloyd's door. Once, then twice, but Grace got no response. "Hey Lloyd?" she called out nervously. "I've got food if you want any. Can you open the door?" Still no response. Then Grace heard a very loud sound in his room, like the sound of something shattering and some groaning. Grace tried to open the door, but it was locked. But Lloyd sounded like he was in pain. So Grace held onto the tray with one hand and tried to put all of her body weight on the door. It didn't work, so Grace placed the tray on the ground and quickly put her hair up. Grace concentrated on her Oni side's strength and as her eyes and her pendant glowed purple, Grace ran into the door until it opened wide open. Calming down as her pendant and her eyes returned into its normal green color, Grace picked up the tray and walked into Lloyd's room. But she was met with a nasty surprise. She saw Lloyd on the ground, bleeding a awful lot in his Oni form. Grace dropped the tray in shock and ran to go help Lloyd. Grace lifted Lloyd onto his bed and went to go and close the door. "W-what happened?" Lloyd weakly said as he tried to lift himself up. "It's fine. Nothing happened," Grace lied as she picked up the shards of glass. He would probably freak out if he knew that she had seen his Oni form. So to reassure him, Grace chose not to say anything. "Let me see your arm," Grace told Lloyd as she sat down on his bed with medic supplies ready. Lloyd gave Grace his arm and she started to treat it. "D- Did you see my Oni form?" Lloyd said sheepishly as Grace continued to treat all of his wounds. "Yes," Grace replied as she carefully pulled out some shards of glass from Lloyd's arm. "Hey Grace?" Lloyd asked Grace, looking her in the eye. "Yeah?" Grace questioned as she looked up, their green eyes locking in with each other. "Do you think you can maybe help me teach me to control my Oni form? You don't have to if you don't want to." Grace smiled at Lloyd." Sure thing."

Kai, who had been watching the whole thing on the monitor while Wyldfyre slept, felt his blood boiling. He couldn't hear anything, but he couldn't stand Grace at all. She was probably the reason why Lloyd got hurt. He was still not falling for anything...

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