Blocked XVII

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Kim, Yumi and Phym, they were exploring the sepia world of Bendy and following the shadows that were cast by the Nexus.  Kim has been fending off ink filled monsters, Yumi was solving puzzles, Phym was thinking about Rexx and Amy who she got separated before finding Yumi and Kim, worried about their well being.

Kim: Do these things even know where they're going? We've been in this world for days.

Yumi: It's only been an hour.

Kim: Yeah whatever. We are getting nowhere chasing shadows and in case you haven't noticed, these cutouts has been following us the whole time.

The three look behind them, only to see a bendy cutout peeking from the corner before retreating.

Yumi: They're...curious, I think. They haven't hurt us yet.

Kim: Yet being the operative word.

Phym, who had been silent till then, tugged at Yumi's sleeve, pointing at a series of drawings on the wall. They depict a strange machine, a throne and a figure that bore a striking resemblance to Bendy himself.

Kim: What's this, some kind of prophecy?

Yumi: Or a warning. Look at that figure... it's Bendy, isn't it?

Kim: Yeah, but what's with the machine?

Yumi: I don't know, but we might need to find out.

Suddenly, the ground beneath them shakes violently, throwing the trio off their balance. Right then, a monstrous roar echoed through the hallways, making them freeze in terror. The cutouts that had been following them began to retreat hastily, their pace fueled by what seemed like fear.

Kim: What on earth was that?!

Yumi: I don't know, but I don't want to find out.

As the roar subsided, the trio quickly picked themselves up and hurriedly followed the shadows, hoping they would lead them to safety. Little did they know, their adventure in the sepia world of Joey Drew was far from over. The nexus was not just a world of inky shadows and quirky cutouts. It had a darker side, a horror that was yet to unfold.


Kassandra was inspecting the aftermath that Rexxvia and Amy had caused in the grocery store, food was scattered, blood was spilled, the manager's corpse was still there and the only light source was the storm outside.

Kass: (Hmm... this one has been dead for a while and hasn't turned yet. Someone decapitated him before that could happen. Who ever did this must not know that the only way to turn is that you get bit by the dishonored. But there's not a single one in sight.)

She continue inspecting the destruction, she noticed a blood trail that leads to the wall. She checks the wall, thinking there was a secret passage or a panel to push, but alas, nothing. She uses her translocator to track Rexxvia's location, but his coordinates was scrambled, unable to go to the world he is currently on.

Kass: (Where are you, Rexxvia. My dear Shujinko?)

~Amy, Phym and Kim~

Back to the trio, they continue following the shadows and getting as far away from the roars of whatever was causing it. The GPS starts flashing.

Kim: Hey look. The GPS is flashing.

Yumi looks at the GPS and the screen was blinking yellow.

Yumi: Weird, It must be something over there that might help us.

Kim: Are you sure? How do we know if it's not that monster we just heard? it could be showing us where it is.

Yumi: We don't. But it's the only lead we have right now.

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