Jeremy Visick: Part 1

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(Matt's POV:)

My eyes were struck with broad daylight as we stepped out into the empty, overgrown field. I looked over my shoulder to see the heather begin to disappear. We'd done it. I turned to Jeremy, "Jeremy, we did it! We're alive!"

 I couldn't help but admire his eyes for a moment. So iridescent, enchanting, almost as if a story was hidden inside them waiting to be told. "No, lad. YOU did it. You saved me. I dunno what I'd do without you." He pulled me into his arms and hugged me tight. This struck me harder than any riches imaginable. Knowing I'd saved Jeremy made me feel like a hero. All we could do was stare into each other's eyes and bask in each other's presence. 

I'd never felt this way for a friend before. Something about Jeremy had drawn me in. He possessed something that my other friends didn't. I had barely known this boy. Yet he felt like another part of me. He made me feel complete. Gave me a purpose. Where would I be if it wasn't for him?

"Well," Jeremy beckoned, "It's hardly dark out. We've nowhere to be. 'Bout we stay here for a bit, lad?" I couldn't fathom his calm tone. We'd nearly been killed and it hadn't seemed to phase him at all. "I suppose..."

And that was what we did. We stayed in the grass and talked. Our words weaving through one another's, creating a complex quilt of our thoughts. I had never heard stories as fascinating as Jeremy's- not even from Mr. Thomas. He told me about his mother and father. His brothers. What it was truly like to work in the mines. He said he felt like he could remember the moment his mother received the news, even though he hadn't even been there. How he had longed for someone to give him a second chance at life again. And how he was grateful I did. "I thought I'd be stuck like that forever. Drowning in my misery. You found me, lad. After all those years of waiting. Thank you." He grabbed my palm tight and squeezed it tighter than it ever had been before. I couldn't help but feel my cheeks flush. God, was I blushing? I expected him to let go after a bit but he didn't. And deep down, I was relieved.


"Go on, lad."

"I- You're the greatest friend I've ever had. Honest."

"Matt, I've been meaning to tell you for the longest time. I just never had the courage."

"And also, um-" My cheeks were glowing like embers.

"Lad, it's alright. I don't bite."

"I love you..."

"Oh, Matt I-"

"God, sorry that just slipped out. I-"

"Shhh. I love you too."

In a helpless act of euphoria, I couldn't fight the temptation to press my lips against Jeremy's. Catching myself in the moment, I pulled away. "Oh god- sorry! It's getting late now I should probably head home-"

"Matt, relax. That was the best I've felt in a while." He pulled me in and we kissed again.

And again.

And again.

And again. 

And again.

But we were suddenly interrupted when I saw a rather familiar girl calling out my name helplessly and aimlessly into the empty field. "Matt! Matt!" Her voice was extremely hoarse and was quaking with despair. That's when it hit me. Mary. "Matt!" She sounded just about ready to give up. I dashed towards her. "Mary! Mary!"

Out of breath, I'd finally caught up to her. "Mary, I'm alive! I never thought I'd see you again!" I'd been expecting her to collapse and sob into my arms out of relief and go on and on about her worries. But instead, she continued to bellow out empty cries into the empty field. "Mary?"

 That's when it sunk in. I was dead.

(To be continued...)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2023 ⏰

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