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Izuku woke up in a panic, again. It had been weeks like this. The same dream. Over, and over, and over again. This time, Izuku decided to get up right away, even though his body was still tired. "It's a weekend" he thought "I can get some extra training" So Izuku gets ready for the day, and by the time he is at the school gym, the sun is just beginning to rise. He decides to go easy for today, so he starts off with a 10mph run on the treadmill. Then some weights, then quirk training. He checks the time. 6:09am. He decides to pack up and leave the gym, it was still empty, no one would want to train on a weekend, but him. Once he is back up at the dorms, he notices that sato is in the kitchen making something sweet. Izuku waves and sato waves back. Once Izuku is in his dorm, he strips his clothes and gets in the shower. He takes twenty minutes in there, not too long, but longer than his normal shower. Once he snaps out of his daze, he gets out with a sigh and drys himself off.

"OI! Shitty hair! Get the fuck over here!" "Cmon Bakubro! It was a joke!" As Izuku walked into the kitchen, he heard a boom. He flinched a little, but no one seemed to notice. "Hey Midoriya" Sato said quietly "I have some jello for you" "Thanks sato, but I don't really like jello-" "bullshit!" Bakugou yelled from across the room "You fucking love jello, dumbass" Sato brings a plate over just in case Izuku does decide to eat it. He sits down to be nice to sato "Kaccan, you also love jello-" Kirishima cuts him off "He has a reason, he probably has ptsd-"Shut the fuck up shitty hair" He doesn't deny it "sorry bro" Izuku stares at the jello, as flashbacks begin to flood his mind. The choking, the coughing, the dying. It was all coming back to him. He shakily took a bite, and as he swallowed it, he felt his body go back to the time before. When he got attacked from behind. Why did it have to hurt so much. He asked himself as he felt his conscious drift farther and farther into the past. The last thing he hear was "What the fuck Deku-" It was bakugou. He tried to shake the feeling but soon, he was gone. He starts coughing, the feeling of being choked was too much for him. He couldn't help as the tears began to roll down his face. He felt it go into his lungs and his stomach, god it hurt.  

"What the fuck Deku-" The choked coughs begin. Iida quickly panics and lays him down on the couch, his airway was clear. "It looks like something trauma related, his airway it fine" Iida's voice was trying to stay calm, but there was a slight shake in it. "What's going on with Deku-kun?" Ururakas voice was shaky. No one knew what was going on.


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