Part 1

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(257 words)

It was a Monday morning, the worst day to ever start with. The alarm on my phone had been ringing for 10 minutes straight as it had started to annoy me, causing me to finally get up out of bed. Great,now I have to start my day as usual.. I turned off my alarm and I began to stretch my arms out before heading toward the bathroom. The first thing I do is brush my hair out until it's perfect and brushed out fully. I can never stand my hair to get messed up, which has always happened. I'm used to it though. I let out a sigh and brushed my teeth for a few minutes until I heard a notification from my phone. Who could have texted me so early? I left the bathroom and went to grab my phone, looking at the notification I received. It was from the Friend Group Chat, an announcement that there was a new bakery in town that had recently opened and that everyone should come meet there. Seriously..? How important is another bakery that is the same thing as every other bakery? Whatever... I didn't have anything else to do at the moment anyways, so I guess the bakery it is. I began to get dressed with my purple hoodie being the last thing I put on. I made sure to grab my small bag and my phone, placing it inside the bag. I then grabbed my mask and began to head my way out, leaving my house.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2023 ⏰

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