little brother!muzan ×reader

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Muzan crawled out of his box, looking at Their sibling with curious eyes, before plopping himself onto the bed in a rather child-like manner


The siblings could finally rest, having stopped at an abandoned house that looked like it was breaking down, but had decided to rest there anyway, to hide Muzan from the sun.

They were curled up in a ball on the opposite side of the bed, shaking like a leaf in the wind. Muzan got closer before giving his older sibling a small, curious bump on the shoulder. He was quite young and unaware of how humans worked, so he was rather confused. "Hmm? Mmph?"

They just finished fighting a demon and they got some injurys

Y/n , despite shaking like a leaf in a storm, was still trying to comfort their younger sibling.

"Mmmh, mphh... mhh..."
The older sibling was trying their best to speak, but couldn't think.
Muzan was looking at them with a confused expression on his face. 'What were they trying to say?'

He then pointed up at the ceiling before looking at them with a small frown. 'Did they want it off or?' "...Mmph...?"

"I'm okay!just stomach- ouch"

Muzan didn't seem to understand, but just nodded along. 'Whatever that meant.'


The young demon just rested next to y/n, leaning on their sibling for comfort.

They sighed as they petted his head as they ran their fingers along his hair.

The demon didn't seem to mind, in fact he seemed rather comforted, and nuzzled into the older sibling's side.

Muzan was unaware of how clingy he was acting, but he just smiled at Y/n's comment. He rested his head onto their shoulder, closing his eyes for a moment.

They sighed again thinking "what am I gonna do with you?"


Muzan just continued the silence, occasionally nuzzling their shoulder

"Be careful.. don't sleep on me"


Muzan looked at the older sibling with curious eyes, before wrapping his arms around them in a hug. He didn't want to be anywhere else than at y/n's side.

They then started to giggles and tickles him

" you such a clingy brother!!"

Tickles were the equivalent of hell to him, and he immediately reacted by laughing and trying to escape y/n's grasp.


Once he escaped, Muzan immediately tried to get tickles back by tickling their sibling.

"Your so cute I can just nom nom nom!!"


Muzan was still ticklish, and he laughed even harder, trying to push them away out of ticklish torture. He knew better than to try and bite his sibling, however he tried to give his older sibling a light nom on the arm out of teasing, tickling them again after. "Mmmh, nom!"

" so adorable!"

Muzan laughed even harder, trying to bite his older sibling and nom them like a cat. He might've been a demon, but he was still a young child inside.

"Mmmh, nom!"

"but I want to nom you!"

"That tickles!!"

Muzan tried to bite y/n again, while giggling.

they stopped tickling their younger brother when they realize the nuzzle on his mouth fell off
"Stay still"

Muzan didn't seem to notice the bamboo muzzle falling off, and still continued to nom them because it was ticklish. He was giggling a lot.

"Mmm, nom!"

"They then started to hug him tightly"Don't nom me

He hugged back, nuzzling his head onto the older sibling's shoulder, but still giggling and trying to bite them.

"Mmph, nom nom... mmmh!"

They then puts the muzzle back

Muzan was about to nom his older sibling when they put back the muzzle, making him whine. "...Mmmh...?"
The young demon was unaware he was now unable to bite others, as he was now stuck with the muzzle.

"No nom nom for you!"

Muzan's eyes were filled with horror as he realized he couldn't just nom his older sibling as he did with the other demons he met. "...No... Nom nom...?"
He was still nuzzling onto Cookiexielian however, and still tried to hug them. "Mmmh... No nom nom..? Mmm..."

They then kissed his cheek "don't look at me like that"

Muzan's eyes started sparkling at this action from y/n. He was unaware that they meant it as a form of affection, and had thought it was done out of love.


Muzan was now blushing a little, and he tried to reciprocate the action by pressing his nose onto y/n's cheek. "Nmmh~"

They then picked him up giggling and puts him in his box "come on little guy! We need to head out for our next "mission!

"Mmph... Mmm..."

Muzan was seemingly unsure about that, as he really wanted to cuddle with his older sibling. However, he slowly and begrudgingly went into his box, not wanting to refuse y/n.

"Okay you can stay in my arms since it's nighttime"

Muzan's face brightened and a smile spread across it.

"Mmmh...! Mmmh~?"

As tired as he was, he was still unwilling to sleep in the box again. He just wanted to stay with Cookiexielian in their arms.

"They picked him up "now let's go

"...Mm, okay."

Muzan nuzzled and buried his face into y/n's shoulder, smiling sweetly.

Thanks for reading!!

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