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Five Weeks Before

"This is the second time this week alone we got these threats! You need to do something about them now!" Dick shouts at Harold. Dick slams his fist on the table, causing Harold to flinch. Dick's fist went from table to wall and even near Harold's face. Harold was shaking, trying to stay away from Dick, and even I can see fear eminent in him.

"O-Our d-de-department is trying their b-best!" Harold stutters, and he tries to stay away from Dick by scurrying away from his approaching figure. It was like a game of tag around a huge table. Harold falls backwards, which makes me want to laugh at how stupid he is, and lands on his butt near the wall, "I swear!"

"When will you take care of it?" Dick runs his hand through his grey hair and walks back and fourth next to the table.

"We will hack in as soon as we can, but the firewall is extreme. We haven't seen anything like it!I can't promise it being broken soon, but-" Harold starts, but Dick cuts in.

"I don't want excuses! I want this taken care of! I don't need threats to ruin what I've been building for years!"

"We're doing our best to-"

"You keep saying that!" Dick hovers on top of him and grabs a handful of Harold's suit in his fist. Dick gets close enough that he can feel Harold's breath on his face and growls lowly at him, "I don't like it when I get empty promises. If you don't handle this soon, you're fired. Get out of my sight." He pushes Harold away, making Harold slam his head against the wall. Harold cringes, even though the head injury would be the least of his worries if he can't hack into the system he needs to hack into, and runs out of the room.

I chuckle and lean off the wall. "Weren't you a little hard on him?" I ask. Dick gives me a look that dares me to question him. I put my hands up and laugh slightly, "Calm down, I'm just saying you scared the life out of him."

"Good. The guy was feeding me lies anyway." Dick wipes his hand from the blood oozing from his cuts and fixes his tux.

He starts to leave, but I grab his arm before he does. "Listen, I know you're freaking out over this but understand that these are empty threats. If they weren't, they would've acted upon them already. Have you thought of that?" I say sincerely. His posture changed from a tense composure to a slightly less tense one which makes me feel accomplished. Taking into account of the situation.

"I understand, but empty or not, they are still threats. You should not be allowed to threaten the government and get away with it. I want them taken care of, and if Harper's department can't take care of it, I need you to do it for me. Any way you can. Can you do that?"

If I was in any other situation, with any other person, I would've said yes without a second thought. It is my job to take care of situations like this, but this is Dick we're talking about; selfish, power-craving, insane Dick. If I say yes, I would be his pet on a leash; with only a tug I will do what he wants. But if I say no, I'm his dinner. I don't want to, but I have to pick the choice that doesn't have my head on a plate with carrots and potatoes surrounding my neck.


"Good. If Harold doesn't do his part in 1 week, take over the operation." Dick tugs his arm away from mine and leaves. Before he exits the room, he says one thing that stays with me, "Oh, and Dawn, please take care of it. You're the only person I think can do this. But if you disappoint me, a world of hell will be upon you, and you will wish it was actual hell."

And that's when he leaves.

A/N I Hope You Like It So Far :) Stick Around If You Want To Know What Happens to James & Everyone! Vote & Comment!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2015 ⏰

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