The S.G.S

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Boys. Boys. Boys. Boys.

The very word makes our minds spin. As a teenage girl it's perfectly normal to go boy crazy. I figured that the 'Status-Changing' love advice has become a little old, so how about we start with something fresh?

The Perks Of Being Boyfriend FREE ! Sure, having a special someone in your life is Great, But so is having the freedom to do whatever the hell you want.

As a single teenage girl it's easy to notice all your coupled-up friends and silently wish for your very own boytoy. But all that agonising is wasting your BF-FREE time! Being single and unnattached can be even more revolutionary for you than the day you started using a tampon, or shaving your legs.

But seriously, you'll have a great guy in the future but for now, its your duty to have wild-nights, bonding time and long hours of indulging in girly behavior!

So hot Dudes, Interrupt if you Dare!

The #SoloYolo Bucket list:

-Skip shaving your legs for a week

-treat yourself to a midday movie on your lonesome

-shamelessly flirt with the sexy waiter serving your table. (Feel Daring? Leave your number on a paper napkin!)

-And of course spend a night with your besties, crying and laughing your hearts out with your all time fave movies.

Hope You guys enjoyed this and I woul Love your feedback!!

Your friendly Jalopeeeno


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