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Okay so before you judge me hear me out. What would you do in this situation. Three boys in love with you. Would you do the right thing and go with your boyfriend and let the others down easily or would you stand there bathing in the awesomeness nodding your head like a boss. I don't know about you but nodding my head like a boss is definitely my thing. Especially for someone like me who has no idea how they got a boyfriend. For starters, I am no cheerleader/ super hot prom queen. I am not ugly I guess but I'm not pretty in an outgoing way just a true beauty kinda thing. I have shoulder length black hair and dark skin which is full of spots and pimples. For all you sisters dealing with spots, I feel your pain. My best feature is my eyes. It is one of the only things I have had compliments on. I remember my one holiday to America. Three completely different guys there said that my eyes were beautiful. You'd think I would take it as a compliment but at that moment all I was thinking was

" yeah,yeah just don't rape me." Hey, I said don't judge. Anyway back to the subject at hand. Why Was it me? And my boyfriends not a geek neither. I'll put it in these words. Let's say there was an ordinary um... Mustard and a spicy mustard. You see were this is going. And if you don't ... Let's say my boyfriend is not the ordinary mustard. Wink, wink.

The best part was he was my crush. Yep. I, Maya walkers ( don't laugh) was one of the few people in the world who managed to go out with there crush. It started with an accident. See me and my friend Harper had got into a big arguement over something stupid and that happened to be the friend I revealed my crush to. Long story short she told everyone who my crush was and soon everyone in the school knew.

I hated her for a while until something unbelievable happened. One day I was in the library studying when My crush, Jeremih walked in. He saw me then walked in and sat next to me.

" hey" he said smiling

" um.. Hi" I replied, shaking like crazy.

" so um.. I heard you.. Kinda have a crush on me" he said giving me a goofy smile. My eyes shot up and I suddenly felt sick.

" No it' just a rummer..yeah it's nothing" Jeremih looked down at the table then looked at his hands.

" That's a shame. If it were true that would be awesome."

" wha-what do you mean." Jeremih looked at me straight in the eyes his hazel eyes burning through

my head.

" look I know this is crazy but when I thought you liked me it brought up hope within me that we could be together and I... You know what screw it. I'll just say it whether I get rejected or not. Maya will you be my girlfriend." I know right classic disney scene. You would expect me to say yes then we can and ride off into the sunset. Ha as if. No it didn't happen like that. I ended up yelling at him. Getting all het up calling him a swine for tricking me. But as I stared at Jeremih I could tell he was hurting. Or maybe annoyed I couldn't really tell. So I asked him,

" wait you were serious?" Jeremih nodded slowly once again looking down.

" oh." I coughed feeling like an idiot. Then stuck my chin up. " then in that case I will go out with you but no funny business." We both burst out laughing because I looked like a complete idiot. So since then we've been together. And it's been Awesome.

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