Chapter 1: the new girl arrives

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3rd pov
"Morning nick"
"Morning (y/n)"
It's a casual morning around the loft. Schmidt is at work, coach is.. well doing what coach does, while Nick and (y/n) are the last 2 out of bed. (Y/n) works nights, so she tends to sleep most of the day away, where as nick has been out of work for a bit now.
"Did anyone ever respond to the Craigslist ad Schmidt put out?" (Y/n) asked.
"Yeah, we've got a few coming today for us to check so we can figure all that junk out. Speaking of which, where are you pants?" (Y/n) looks confused, cause she almost never has pants on as long as Schmidt is at work. When he's home it's a different story however, she doesn't want him to put ALL of his money in the douchebag jar. "Schmidt isn't here, so why bother?" She shrugs her shoulders, walking to the cabinets to pull out some bagels to toast for the two of them. Nick looks at her with an eyebrow raised, shamelessly tracing her body with his eyes while she's turned away. "You know he's gonna be home early to help us interview our maybe-new roommates right?" (Y/n) turns around with a shocked face, realizing it's already past noon. "...when is he supposed to be home?" She asks. Almost as if on cue, the self proclaimed ladies man walks in the door. "Sup bitches, Schmidtty in the house EARLY!" Schmidt immediately stops in his tracks to take in the scene in front of him. Nick with his head resting in his hand, waiting for his bagel, and (y/n) in all her glory. Shirt barely long enough to cover her panties, pushing down the lever on the toaster for the bagels. Immediately Schmidt removes his shirt and flexes like an idiot. "Hey (y/n), or should I say, miss leeeegggsss"
"JAR" (y/n) and Nick both yell simultaneously.

~~~~~~ baby time skip ~~~~~~
(Y/n) pov

After hours of dead-end interviews, and absolutely zero agreements about who seems like a good roommate, we're finally down to the last one for the day. A knock sounds at the door, and I immediately go to answer. Standing there is a short girl, slightly taller than myself (not hard to do in the slightest) wearing a cutesy red dress and black flats. "Hi! I'm Jess! I'm here about the Craigslist ad?" I smile my nicest smile at this weird little soul "come have a seat"
3rd pov:

Jess seats herself on the chair that (y/n) and the guys had arranged to be in front of the couch. Coach is sat next to Schmidt, who's sat uncomfortably close to (y/n), who's leaning her whole body weight against Nick to get at least a LITTLE personal space from Schmidt. Nicks face is tinted pink while Jess begins telling 'her story'.
"So you know in horror movies when the girls like 'omg! There's something in the basement! Let me just run down there in my underwear and see what's going on, in the dark!' And you're like what's your PROBLEM call the police and she's like 'ok!' But it's too late and she's already getting murdered. Well, uhhh my story's kinda like that."
The roommates proceed to give each other "the look" after Jess finishes her tiny rant. (Y/n) is shaking her head no at Nick, obviously very concerned for this woman's mental health.

(Y/n) pov
As soon as I heard the words 'naked' and 'trench coat' I completely zoned out and closed my eyes. Honestly this part of Nick is a little bony, so I'm just gonna slide up underneath his arm real quick. I like it so much better, I can feel his breathing and hear his heartbeat. He doesn't seem to mind, so I whisper in his ear "wake me up when she's done" and promptly passed the hell out

Nick pov
Am I sweating?? I feel like I'm sweating?? How am I supposed to focus on this lady telling her weird breakup story when (y/n) is THIS cuddled into me. It's not like this has never happened before, but I just can't get used to it. Makes me all mushy. Then Jess finally says something that sounds like she might finally be done, which thankfully gives me something else to focus on. "So that happened." I lightly shake (y/n) awake and we all stare at her in some kind of awe. "That's why I need a new apartment. I'm sorry what was the question again?" Astonished, I ask her one more time "do you have any pets?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2023 ⏰

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