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CONTENT WARNING: this chapter contains explicit descriptions of coercion, electric shock, as well as physical and emotional distress. reader discretion is intensely advised, especially for those sensitive to depictions and descriptions of torture or violence. please consider whether you are comfortable with proceeding.


The harsh hum of the dim lights overhead seemed to intensify as pain and panic overtook Nancy's body.

Her heart raced with a mixture of guilt, fear, and a deep-rooted sense of responsibility.

The emptiness of the room was filled with the echoes of her apologies, each uttered word a plea for Robin to come back to her.

Nancy's thoughts spiralled, a tempest of thoughts and emotions colliding within her.

She couldn't shake the feeling that this was her fault, that she had led Robin into the lion's den.

The weight of guilt pressed heavily on her chest, making each breath between words a struggle.

Her voice was a tight, broken whisper as it escaped her, "I never wanted this for you, Robin. I never wanted any of this. Please don't leave me."

She brushed Robin's damp bangs from her forehead, tracing the imaginary lines between her freckles.

The silence in the room felt suffocating, amplifying the gravity of the situation. Nancy's tears fell freely, unbridled streams of remorse for everything that had transpired.

As she fixed the jacket around Robin's shoulders, the rise and fall of Robin's chest was all that kept Nancy's world intact.

The oppressive silence in the room was shattered as Robin's eyes flickered open, the dim light revealing a stark reality that seemed almost surreal.

Her senses slowly returned, and her memories crashed through her like a car through a window.

She sat up, panic seizing her as she grappled with the disorienting transition from agony to the cold stillness of the room.

Nancy jumped at her sudden movement, her breath catching in her throat.

Water dripped from the ends of her hair as she looked around for Sterling, the lingering sensation of electricity echoing in her bones.

In that disoriented moment, the room felt like a cage, trapping her between the haunting memories of pain and the uncertainty of the present.

As she painfully pushed herself to a sitting position, she froze, glancing down at her hands.

Her cuffs were gone. And why was she wearing her jacket?

Her hands flew to her neck, wincing as her fingers brushed the burns.

A hand fell on her shoulder, making her jump. Robin spun around, her frantic gaze meeting bright, tearful eyes.

The air hung heavy with the weight of her scepticism, and the cold room seemed to close in on her.

She couldn't trust her own perceptions or believe that this calm, silent environment was anything but an illusion.

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