Chapter 1

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The room was alive with an undeniable warmth, wrapping around me like a comforting embrace. His breaths were heavy, almost audible in the charged silence as he focused on my lips. I stole a glance at him, finding his gaze inches away, his captivating stare pulling me in closer.

He moved closer, as if under a spell, his hand delicately tracing my face. "Charlie, you have no idea..." His voice trailed off, barely a whisper, before he hesitantly brushed his lips against mine—a fleeting touch, holding back his desires.

Suddenly, a thunderous knock shattered our moment, vibrating through the door. "Charlie?" The urgent call pierced the air, jolting us back to reality. I pushed his broad, sweaty shoulder away, scrambling to cover ourselves.

As I hurriedly made my way to the door, only half-dressed, you're probably wondering how this all unfolded. Well, if you're curious, we'll have to rewind a bit and start from the very beginning.

The echoes of the announcer reverberated through the stadium, electrifying the air as the final round of the under 18 Mixed Martial Arts national championships began. "Welcome to the finals," the reporter's voice boomed, "with our wonderful finalists, Charlotte "Charlie" Knowles and her opponent, the formidable Ethan "Mikey" Maxwell."

My focus scattered, worry clawing at my concentration. The prize money lured me here, despite my doubts. My coach and mother's relentless encouragement had propelled me this far, but doubts lingered in the back of my mind.

Ethan stood across the ring, muttering under his breath. His presence loomed like a dark cloud, taunting and challenging. I locked eyes with him, determined to push aside the fear creeping into my thoughts.

"Hey, are you scared?" His voice dripped with heavy sarcasm, a calculated attempt to unnerve me. "Well, you should b—"

Without hesitation, I lunged forward, channeling every ounce of training and determination. Surprise flashed across Ethan's face as I grappled onto him, twisting and flipping with practiced agility. The impact as he hit the ground reverberated through the arena—a loud thump followed by stunned silence.

"You talk too much," I uttered, a mix of exhaustion and triumph in my voice.

The crowd fell into an almost eerie silence as I held my position, the weight of my victory settling around me like a mantle. The air crackled with energy, and for a moment, everything was crystal clear—I had achieved what seemed impossible.

Amidst overwhelming cheers and applause, the announcer's voice cut through the air. "Folks here we have it! Our Under 18 Mixed Martial Arts Champion, CHARLOTTE KNOWLES!!" The roar of the crowd confirmed my victory as my arm was lifted high.

Sweaty and breathless, I made my way to my mother and coach. Collapsing onto the bench, I looked up at her, seeking validation. "Mom, are you proud?" Her tearful smile answered more than words ever could.

My father's dream had lived on through me. He had always wished to become a champion by trade. Suddenly prodding me to stand, my mother organised herself looking forward. 

But amidst the joy, a man in a sharp suit approached. Confusion clouded my triumph as he engaged in conversation with my coach. My mother's tightening grip hinted at something more significant, something I didn't yet understand.

As he extended his hand toward me.

"Charlotte Knowles? My name is Dean Warden—"

I interrupted sharply, "It's just Charlie."

He chuckled ever so slightly. "Well then, Charlie, you might be wondering why I've come to see you. I'm an envoy from Star Sims. The CEO requested to meet with you—"

On Guardजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें