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     IT TOOK ALL of Athena's strength to not find a gun and shoot Coin there and then. The woman must be crazy. The Hunger Games were the reason the rebellion started. Athena glared at the woman as the others took in her words.

Johanna began to chuckle. "You wanna have another Hunger Games with the Capitol children?"

"You're joking." Peeta said, shocked by the woman.

Coin shook her head. "Not in the slightest."

"Are you forgetting that one of those Capitol children is the reason you won this fucking battle with Snow?"

Coin gently rolled her eyes, she had never really liked Aeschylus, she believed he only fought on their side of Athena, not for her.

"Is this Plutarch's idea?" Haymitch questioned.

"It was entirely my idea. It balances the need for revenge with the least loss of human life. You may cast your votes."

Peeta was the first to respond. "No. No, obviously not, this is crazy."

"I think it's more than fair. Snow's got a granddaughter. I say yes."

Athena slammed her fist on the table and glared at Johanna. "And Snow's grandson helped you get out of the Capitol. And Persephone has done nothing to deserve being put in a place that has traumatised all of us. You had no right, Coin, to come up with this idiotic idea."

There was a moment of silence before Enobaria spoke. "I say yes. Let them have a taste of it."

Peeta shook his head at the two victors. "This way of thinking is what started these uprisings."

Annie then joined in. "I vote no, with Peeta and Athena. So would Finnick if he were here."

"Well he's not because Snow killed him."

"No." Beetee said. "We need to stop viewing each other as enemies."

Bellona shifted in her seat slightly. "I say yes, they deserve it."

Athena glared at her mentor, she wondered how the hell she could agree with such a thing. Now it was down to Haymitch and Katniss, they would be the deciding votes.

It took a while for Katniss to respond. "I get to kill Snow."

"I expected no less of you."

"Then I vote yes...for Prim."


The mentor stared at Katniss for a few moments. "I'm with the Mockingjay."

"That carries the vote. Excellent. We'll announce the Games tonight, after the execution."

Athena attempted to leap over the table to attack the Mockingjay but Peeta was quick to grab the girl, dragging her kicking and screaming out of the room. Peeta held onto her as she tried to get away from him, tears rolled down her cheeks unknowingly. Eventually she gave up, crying into Peeta's arms.

"They'll put them in there." She whispered through sobs.

Peeta didn't need to ask who she was speaking about, Coin would be quick to put Aeschylus and Persephone into the Games, mainly as a way to stop them from gaining power as they had claims from being related to Snow.

When Athena finally calmed down, her first thought was of the pair. She thanked Peeta for staying with her but then ran around the mansion trying to find Aeschylus and his sister. She did find them, but she was worried to tell the younger girl what happened so she pulled Chy to the side, letting his sister continue to play in the snow.

"Coin...she's decided on another Hunger Games. A symbolic one."

Chy furrowed his brows. "What? She can't do that..." His voice trailed off as realisation hit him like a truck. "She wants to get rid of me and Steph."

Athena nodded, tears coming to her eyes again. "I'm sorry, I voted against but it was majority."

Chy wrapped his arms around the shaking girl, of course he was terrified on the inside. He had seen the Games, watched them be carried out. He knew how brutal they were, he could be killed, his sister could be killed.

Later on, Chy and his sister stood in the stands, seeing their grandfather tied to a stake, waiting for his death. Athena stood between Peeta and Annie, watching Katniss walking towards them in her Mockingjay outfit. A bow held tightly in her hand.

It was odd being stood where she had once been on a chariot in the blood red dress, waving and smiling at Capitol citizens to get sponsors to help her in the Games. Now she was stood, the stands mainly filled with district people, rather than Capitol citizens.

"Welcome to the new Panem. Today, on the Avenue of the Tributes, all of Panem, a free Panem, will watch more than a mere spectacle. We are gathered to witness an historic moment of justice. Today, the greatest friend to the revolution will fire the shot to end all wars.  May her arrow signify the end of tyranny and the beginning of a new era. Mockingjay, may your aim be as true as your heart is pure."  Coin spoke.

Katniss drew her arrow, aiming it at Snow. But suddenly, she pointed upwards and released. Athena watched as the arrow pierced Coin's chest and killed her. The crowd broke out into shouts, heading to Snow to kill him theirselves. Athena watched as Haymitch and Peeta stopped Katniss from killing herself with a night lock pill, before she was dragged away.

Athena felt a hand grabbed hers, she turned to see Aeschylus, a small smile on his face as his other hand held onto his sisters. The trio headed back to the mansion, it was safer than where they currently were. They stayed there until it died down, making a plan on what they wanted to do with their lives.

Athena didn't want to stay in the Capitol, nor did Chy and his sister. They all decided that they would move back to District Ten, live on a farm, raise animals. Persephone would live with them as long as she wanted to, then she could decide for herself what she wanted to do.

It seemed like life was finally changing for the better.

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