Chapter 13

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Michael had decided to contact Zayn to tell him that he wanted to fight for the town. "Zayn I know that you think that you just own this town now, but I am willing to fight you for it tomorrow evening in the woods. In the clearing." Michael insisted. "Fine, it's your funeral anyway." Zayn smirked at the thought. Just as Michael finished his conversation with Zayn, Luke and Ashton entered Michael's office. "What is Ashton doing here!? He is going to upset Calum and Mali Koa." Michael snapped at Luke. "We are here to find out if you are still going through with your plan to get the town back?" Luke asked Michael hoping that he would respond 'no'. "Well actually I just confirmed with Zayn that we would fight each other tomorrow night in the woods at the clearing." Michael said proudly. Luke just deflated into the closest  chair he could find grabbing his hair. "What is wrong with Luke?" Michael asked Ashton confused. "You don't understand what you have just done. Zayn can never own this town nor can you. Unless the person who actually owns this town gives it to you. And she will not give it to either of you because she believes it belongs in the family. Which you are not and Zayn is sort of but not directly which is the only family that she will consider." Ashton insisted. "I am guessing that you stand a better chance then?" Michael said sarcastically. "Actually I do. But I don't really want it. Crystal can keep the town as it is her baby." Ashton said smugly. "Crystal!? Are you telling me, that this is Crystal's town!? You must be dreaming right!?" Michael insisted. "No actually I am not. She is in charge of this town and has been just allowing you to think that she is not dangerous or powerful because she doesn't want everyone to know everything about her. So she wanted this to be a place where everyone could be themselves. But then Zayn and Sierra came and messed it all up for her. And maybe me, because I might be responsible for what happened to Calum and his sister but it could also have been Zayn. I am not sure." Ashton confessed. Luke got up and hugged Ashton while Michael stood there dumbfounded. "And you? Are you not mad at him for what he did!?" Michael scolded Luke. " No, actually I am proud of him for telling you. It was a lot for him to come to terms with. And then tell me about everything about it. There is a lot of information that comes with this that we don't have time for. You need to get hold of Zayn and tell him that the fight will not be happening anymore." Luke insisted. "No, I can't just go and do that. He will make me out to be a coward. Which I definitely ain't." Michael snapped. " Luke calm down. I get where Michael is coming from but he can't fight Zayn either. We are going to have to come up with another plan." Ashton insisted. Luke knew Ashton was right but didn't know what to do next.

A couple of hours had passed and the trio were still sitting in Michael's office. Trying to think about a better plan so that Michael didn't have to fight Zayn. Just then Calum came into the office and saw Ashton. "What are you doing here? And why does it look like you guys are planning somebody's funeral?" Calum asked Ashton curiously. "He is here because I might have screwed up. And now we are trying to fix it. Nothing more. Now go spend some quality time with Mali." Michael said ushering Calum out the office. " I would have spend time with her but she found somebody to dance with in the club." Calum explained. Then Michael got a idea. Do me a favor, get Crystal for me and Brandi I need to talk to both of them now, please." Michael asked sweetly towards Calum. "Fine but only if I get to know what is going on here. "You will, I promise you." Michael said. Just as Calum left Ashton got up and said:" I will be back now. I know sort of how to get Michael out of this predicament." "Okay, but when you come back will you tell us?" Luke asked. "Um yeah. See you now." Ashton said as he left to go outside.

When Calum got back Ashton joined them as well. "Okay everything is sorted." Ashton insisted. Luke and Michael just looked at Ashton confused. But Luke had a bad feeling about it all. Crystal and Brandi were next to arrive. " I know that we all need to talk but can we rather go to my place where it is bigger than Michael's office? He can leave one of the bartenders in charge for a hour." Luke insisted. "Sure." Everyone said in unison.

They were all at Luke's place when Calum spoke up: "So can anyone tell me why everyone is here? And what did Michael do?" "Well I have to start by saying 'sorry' to both you and your sister, Calum. Either me or Zayn was responsible for your transition to being a vampire. Next Michael went on to challenge Zayn to a fight for the town, as Zayn thinks he has laid claim to it. Lastly all of you are here to help with our plan to get Michael out of this situation. But we are currently missing one more person but she will be here tomorrow night when time comes." Ashton explained. "Are you fucking telling me that not only are you maybe responsible for what happened to both me and my sister, but now my boyfriend might go get himself killed by the other person who might have been responsible. How could you allow this, Luke!? What is this perfect plan of action!?" Calum snapped towards both Luke and Ashton. "I have a idea. But it only includes Crystal and Brandi. I don't know what Ashton is talking about." Michael insisted. "You're plan won't work. I am sorry to say Michael. I know Zayn will see right through it." Ashton insisted. "And how will you know what my plan is if I haven't told you yet?" Michael inquired. "I can read minds and slightly see into others future's especially if there is death involved. It is a new power that I am still trying to harness." Ashton insisted. Luke looked at Ashton shocked. He never knew that Ashton had extraordinary powers as well. But maybe that came with him being a prince of not only vampires but shape-shifters. "Now that everyone is on the same page. Crystal is going to change into Michael to 'fool' Zayn and Brandi will cast a spell on her voice so that she sounds like Michael but she will keep her powers." Ashton started explaining the plan. "But that is my plan!" Michael snapped. "I know that, I just said that it wouldn't work because you wanted Crystal to fight Zayn but he will quickly figure it out. That is when the next part of my plan comes into play." Ashton insisted.

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