Moon Will Shine

329 8 7

TW: Abuse, cursing, implied self harm, suicide, parental loss




Stella stood screaming at me. I cowered on the floor, my arms wrapped around my legs. I stare in fear, not able to say a word. I feel my body shake.


She raised her arm, a wine glass in her hand. The moment blurs by, my whole body is weak. I wait for the moment the glass leaves her hand. I try to scream, but nothing comes out but tears.

She rears back, and throws the glass at my head. It breaks on impact, shards of glass shoot through the air.

"Mmnhh..." I moan in pain as glass shards sink into my flesh. I cough, and blood drips down the corner of my lip. I fall to the ground in pain, unable to sit up anymore. More glass stabs into me, but I am too weak to care. I pray Via doesnt walk in, and see me like this. I am unable to keep my eyes open anymore, and everything goes black.


I sit in my office, clutching Stolas's fancy ass book. I stare down at it, looking at the golden trim and striking blue cover. I bury my head in my hands.

"Shit. Horny ass bird."

I hear the door creak open. Moxxie pokes his head in.

"Sir? We have a client."

"Oh.. yeah. Right. Be right out."

Moxie leaves the room. Fuck... whatever.

"Hey there! Whats your business with I-M-P? Who fucked you over?"

"Um... I was murdered I guess?"

I tune out the client a little. I'm worried about Stolas, something tells me something is off with him.



I sit on the cold bathroom floor, looking over the spells I wrote down. Sigh.

I wish I could just die sometimes. I just don't want to hurt Via. I know how it feels to lose a parent in front of your eyes. I remember seeing my mother shoot Herself with a blessed tip bullet directly in the chest. I remember watching the blood pour out of her, the life drain from her eyes. Tears stream down my face. I was younger than Octavia is now...

Still, I want this agony to stop. I don't know what I have to do or be to get there, but I will try.

All of a sudden, I hear the door creak open.




I see Stolas on the bathroom floor. I feel something is wrong. I bend down to his level.

"Stolas... what happened? Are you okay? Why... oh my Satan..."

I glance down, and see a splatter of blood on the ground, and a shard of glass next to it.

"What... happened...?"

"Oh... nothing, nothing."

I can see blood seep through the fabric on his sleeve.

"Stolas... have you been..."

Worry washes over me. I immediately walk over the cabinet, and grab the first aid kit.

"Blitzø... I'm fine, really. It's okay..."

I reach for the bottle of peroxide. Why does that bird have to be so damn tall? I glance back at him.


"Blitzy... it's okay. I just... ugh."

I finally knock the peroxide off the shelf. Got it. I grab a cloth, and pour some peroxide into it.

"Hold this to the wound. It's gonna sting a bit, but I promise it's gonna make it better."


"Excuse me?"

"Blitz... I don't need you to take care of me... I can take care of myself. I'm fine on my own."

I grab the gauze and wrap his arm. I top it off with a gentle kiss.

"Stolas... I'm sorry."


Sorry it was kinda short, I'm kinda figuring out the direction I want to take the story. I have been busy with a lot of schoolwork, so I'm not sure how soon I'll get the next part out. I hope you enjoyed this episode!

'Til Death do us Part // a Stolitz angst fanficWhere stories live. Discover now