The First Year for Her and the Fourth Year for Him

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"Now, I'd like to say a few words–" Dumbledore's voice rang through the Great Hall, past the large wooden doors, and into my ears, which were already listening to my heartbeat as it pumped nervously. I wrung my hands together, waiting for the signal to enter as I stood by a woman with a green dress and grey-brown hair pulled tightly into a bun. Before arriving at the door, the woman had previously introduced herself as Professor McGonagall. My long, chocolate-brown hair kept catching in between my hands as I leaned my head down slightly, staring at them and chanting to myself to stay calm and look proud. A sudden uproar of applause startled me, and soon after, Professor McGonagall lightly placed a hand on my shoulder as if to ground me back into reality.

"They're ready, dear," The Professor's silky voice soothed out, and I quickly straightened my back and relaxed my shoulders as the wooden doors slowly drew open. The false confidence I summoned immediately faltered for half a second when I saw the four tables, separated by Houses, filled with hundreds of eyes that turned to me. It was exactly as Blaise had described to me. The floating candles, an enchanted ceiling, and torches along every column took my breath away. I glanced to my left as Blaise had instructed and found my cousin waving softly with a wide grin plastered on his face. Professor McGonagall lightly tapped my lower back to push me forward, and I walked between the tables to the front of the Great Hall and stopped in front of Dumbledore and his golden podium. My heart beat louder in my ears. I missed my introduction from the old headmaster and barely caught Dumbledore instructing me to sit as he gestured to a stool. When I sat, I glanced again at my cousin, who gave me a thumbs up, and a brown hat was suddenly placed on my head.

I looked to the floor as I held my breath, listening to the hat.

"Interesting," it whispered in my ears, "Very interesting."

I inhaled sharply and looked up at the rim of the hat. My nervousness shot through the roof at its words. "W-what is?" I whispered back.

"You come from a long line of Slytherin yet present an aptitude for all houses. You are equal parts brave, cunning, generous, and curious. Although more inclined to the first two. Difficult, very difficult," it took a breath, "What say you?"

"What do you mean?" I swallowed down the lump forming in my throat. Worry muddled in my head as I thought about the pros and cons of each house, my knowledge from the books I bought before arriving. I was destined for Slytherin. I knew this but couldn't see myself among them knowing my temperament. But maybe that would help them, me, and my cousin.

"Ah, you've only made this easier for me. There is only one choice now: SLYTHERIN," It yelled out to the students and staff in the Great Hall. I exhaled, not realizing I was holding my breath, and the table with students draped in green rose to cheer. Dumbledore removed the hat from my head, and I trotted to my cousin, sitting next to him. Two boys in front of him looked at each other skeptically as I sat.

Blaise patted my back and smiled softly, whispering, "Welcome to Slytherin."

I smiled back sheepishly and turned my face back to Dumbledore, who had continued with his speech.

"–Now we're all settled in and sorted. I'd like to make an announcement. This castle will not only be your home this year, but home to some very special guests as well. You see, Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event: The Triwizard Tournament–"

The students around me muttered to others, and Blaise whispered across the table to the boys, one with short, curly brown hair and another with straight, platinum blonde, "Wanna bet Potter will join?" He scoffed.

The boy with curls leaned over the table to get closer and whispered with a thick Irish accent, "Don't get me started. You'd think he'd have enough taste for fame already."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2023 ⏰

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