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Pterodactyl // Jurassic World


"Hey Aubrey," Harry said leaning towards her with the goofy smile that he wears when he is about to tell one of the many dad jokes that he has just thought up. "Why can't you hear a pterodactyl go to the toilet?" he questioned.

She thought about it before answering with something that he wouldn't expect her to say, "Because they are dead," she said wearing a smug smile, proud of herself for beating the joke.

Harry's face dropped, "The answer was 'because the pee is silent' you morbid buggar," he looked back down to his phone, probably looking for another joke that he could tell that she might have not known a way around.

Her eyes lingered on him but just as she was about to go back to watching the TV she saw him smiling from the corner of her eye. "Also, smarty pants, they're not dead where we are going," he said while holding up his phone's screen to her face so that she could see the 'your place has been booked' message on the billing page of the Jurassic World website.

DATE STARTED:  coming 2016, or earlier


ACHIEVEMENTS: #993 in Action - 25/06/15


I do not own any of the Jurassic World characters, Harry Styles or any of the dinosaurs [which would be cool if I did own Chris Pratt, Harry and a raptor but that hasn't happened yet so yeah disclaimer and stuff].

This contains SPOILERS of the Jurassic World as it is looking at the story from the perspective of two visitors that do their own thing when everything goes wrong.

Pterodactyl // Jurassic World + Harry Stylesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن