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It's 2006 and your 16 years old and live in Germany. You hate school and always get into trouble but your not part of the 'popular' group. You don't really have any school friends because they always make drama for attention so you keep to yourself. However, you do have friends outside of school... well party friends. Because your parents are never home, you always are alone on the weekends so you go to parties a lot. School parties? Never.
Proper parties.
I wake up to the sound of my alarm. Yay school. I slowly get up and have a shower making sure I'm clean for tonight. I get out of the shower and quickly dry my hair, straightening it after. I moisturise and put on some mascara, before I put on my usual kinda outfit. Black leggings and a hoodie. Perfect. I grab my bag and walk out of the door.

As I get into school, go to my locker and put all my books from yesterday in there. I don't even know why I'm still coming to this shit hole. Oh yeah! My parents would actually give a shit if I stopped going. I walk straight past all the groups of people and sneak up to my usual spot- the roof. As I sit alone I put my earphones in and start playing some music, Korn all the way. I pull out  a fag and lighter from my bag and light it, taking a few drags before closing my eyes listening to my music. Music is like my escape. After 30 mins, I put out my second fag by stomping on it and leave to go to class. English. Fan fucking tastic. I'm shit at English... well everything except history. 

As I walk into class I go sit in my regular seat, the right back corner. As I watch the groups of loud and annoying people come into class I just sit there listening to music rolling my eyes.
'Right class! Good morning! Now please find your seats and sit down, we have a lot to get though this lesson.'
I roll my eyes, pulling out my book and pen.

After the whole hour, I've only written the date. All this poetry shit makes no sense and I can not be asked with it.
I'm in my own world until someone throws a pencil at me. I turn my head and see the one and only Tom kaulitz smiling with his friends. Why can't he just fuck off?
'Uh y/n'
I look up. Mrs Becker.
Y/n: "yes miss"
I just stare at her waiting for her to explain why she's bothering me.
'Y/n why do you think the poet uses the metaphor 'as trapped as a wild bear"
I sit back in my chair as the whole class turns to look at me. I pretend to think.
Y/n: "mmmm. What a good question Mrs Becker. But I wouldn't possibly know as I'm not a fucking poet."
I hear the whole class snicker as mrs Becker goes red.
'Y/n! Stop with the foal language! But I would like to know your interpretation of it not the poets"
I hear the anger in her voice.
Y/n: "nothing.
Why don't you teach us some actually life skills like taxes and insurance not what I think a metaphor means. This is bullshit I'm never going to be able to be an adult if I don't know the basic shit."
I say almost emotionless. It is true tho, I have no clue how to manage any sort of finance.
I smile- victory.
Y/n: "i thought you would never ask."
I stand up grabbing my bag and pen.
Y/n: "oh yeah u can have my book to, there isn't anything in it anyways"
I say throwing it on her desk as I left. 
Am I going to the principles office? No off course not. I go back up to the roof and sit there, skipping next period, break, the best two lessons and lunch. I sit there eating my sandwich until the bell rings for the last period. History! I quickly get up and walk down to history. As I'm walking I get a couple weird looks but that's just normal. They just can't understand why some people won't be friends with a bunch of boring assholes.

I'm sat in history but this time at the the front off the class still in the corner though. I write as much down and as we have few questions. I love history, it's so much better because it's all based on facts and the past. I know I can't go wrong with things that have already happened. Finally the final bell rings and I leave class, grabbing my things on the way out. I shove all of my books in my locker and start walk out until I feel someone push me. Luckily I don't fall over but I quickly turn around.
                    Tom kaulitz
Y/n: "what's your problem Tom for fucks sake"
I roll my eyes as he just laughs stupidly with Georg. He still he doesn't say anything so I get angry, pushing him back harder.
Y/n: "i Said what the fuck is your problem Tom. Answer me"
He looks down at me shocked.
Tom: "nothing sweetheart"
I push him again but harder.
Y/n: "if it's fucking nothing then why do you keep fucking bothering me huh?"
I Stare at him as a smile appears on his face. He make me wanna fucking kill him.
Tom: "calm down pretty girl"
Oh my god. That's is. I grab jumper and push him down on the floor.
Y/n: "i don't like you at all. I don't like any of these shit taking bitches here either. So just leave be the fuck alone Tom"
He smile again.
Tom: "what are you going to do ab-"
Fuck. I punch him around the face and pin him up against the wall.
Y/n: "i will hit you ten more fucking times if I have to. Go fuck some random girl like always and fuck off"
I whisper in his ear, throwing him down as he looks at me in shock with his hand over his face. I turn around and leave.

Finally, time for some fun.
Did you guys like this? I can't wait to make the next part!


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