the one where tony gets a kid

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"Tony, there's some pregnant woman named Mary Parker looking for you downstairs," Happy announced into his phone, keeping his eyes on the mystery woman speaking to the front desk. There was a brief pause on the other end.

"Did you say Mary?"

* * *

29 SEPTEMBER, 2001

Tony never thought he would be a good dad. Scratch that, he never even thought that he'd be a dad at all. Yet here he was, sitting across the table from one very pregnant Mary Teresa Parker.

"How do you know it's mine?" Tony asked for the upteenth time. She sighed.

"Mr Stark-" Mary started cautiously.

"Don't call me that, Mr Stark was my father."

"Anthony, I-"

"That's even worse!"

"Tony, for the love of God, can you shut the hell up!" He stopped interrupting, giving Mary a look that clearly said the floor is all yours . "As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted several times; I've already told you that I did about a million tests on this damn baby." He looked at her incredulously as she gestured towards the large bump under her dress. "You really think that Fury would even consider letting me come here if we weren't absolutely, one hundred percent sure?" She deadpanned with a subtly raised eyebrow.

"Fair enough," Tony leaned back in his chair and let out a huff of breath, a tense pause filling the air in the conference room. "But are you positive -"


"Alright! Damn you, banshee woman..." He relaxed. "I just- I don't get it, we're best friends and... we had sex one time! " Mary smirked.

"Maybe it's because of that massive-" it was Tony's turn to yell at her this time. The pair laughed and looked exactly as they should; anyone from the outside looking in would see two twenty-somethings enjoying themselves, but the atmosphere quickly sobered.

"Mary... why are you here?"

She looked at him in confusion. "What do you mean? I'm here to-"

"Please, M, level with me... we both know you wouldn't be here if you didn't have to be. If you could've carried and raised this child without me ever knowing about it, you would. So, really, why are you here?" She sighed and rubbed small circles on her stomach.

"The doctor-" Mary cleared her throat as her voice cracked, lips trembling. "The doctor said that... only one of us can survive. That it's either me or the baby because something..." she lowered her voice and leaned in, prompting Tony to do the same. "T, something's wrong with it. With this entire pregnancy, I've- I could feel that somethings... off about the baby, even before Fury had one of his guys do some tests. Turns out that, well, this baby? It's... different, to put it simply. It's genetic makeup is something never seen before, and-

"M, what the fuck are you even trying to say?"

"We think it's something I was exposed to on the last Hydra mission. We think- we think it's a mutant," she rushed out. Tony leapt out of his seat and ran his hand down his face.

"A mutant?!" He shouted. "Mary, tell me you're fucking with me-"

"Shush, keep your voice down! This is dangerous enough as is, don't make it worse!" Tony apologized and moved his seat closer to his friend. Mary looked at him pleadingly. "Please, T, I had no where else to go."

"JARVIS, soundproof the room and move all personnel off this floor. Other than Happy," Tony spoke to the ceiling for a moment, rubbing his temple.

"Of course, sir," The disembodied voice -- JARVIS -- announced.

"Mary... what the actual fuck was at that Hydra base?!"

"Things that... It's classified, Tones. But if you don't want him, I... I have a sister, she- her name's May, and-"

" No , Mary. I promise we'll figure this out. Together."

* * *

10 AUGUST, 2001

Tony didn't expect to be spending his day locked in the OR of his tower, watching as doctors rushed around Mary.

He didn't expect that today he would have to decide between the life of his best friend or that of his son.

Tony didn't want to choose. Please, God, don't make me choose , he thought as tears began to pool.

"M, are you sure about this, the doctors-"

"Tony, I know that you mean well, but you know that when the time comes -- and it's coming pretty damn quick -- that you'll choose Peter over me." Tony's eyes widened. He didn't even realize it until she said it but, subconsciously, he'd decided a long time ago. He'd already made that call when Mary Parker showed up on his doorstep with paternity papers.

"M... I'm so sorry-" she stopped him.

"T, it's okay. I want you to choose Peter. Just... please give him a normal life. As normal as it can get." Her breaths were slowing down, and the doctor told her to push one more time...

"M, please-"

"I love you, T. You've been my best friend since grade school, and I can think of no one better than you to take care of my son. I trust you with every fiber of my being," Mary said, gripping his hand.

"I still don't think-" he was interrupted by the sounds of a baby crying, Tony's focus faltering slightly until his friend's grip began to loosen in his. "M, please-" The tears that had started to pool in the corners of his eyes finally escaped.

"You're not your father, Tony. You never have been, and you never will be. Remember that."

Those were the last words that Mary Teresa Parker ever spoke.

"Uhm... Mr Stark..." the nurse that rushed over to him spoke, and he turned to see her holding his crying baby. Tony wiped his tears and decided that he can't dwell on Mary's death right now, because he has a son to take care of. He made a mental list of things to do -- stop drinking, plan the funeral, contact her siblings... Little Peter's cries pulled Tony out of his head again.

"I'll take him," he said to the nurse firmly, leaving no room for objection from the hospital staff. "And what happened in this room will stay a secret unless I give you permission to speak of it, understood?" The entirety of the staff nodded and got to work on cleaning up. Tony put his full attention on the small bundle in his arms, which was currently attempting to grab at his finger. Thankfully, his son had ceased crying the moment he was in his father's arms.

"Hey there, Underoos," Tony said, smiling down at his son as he sat in a nearby chair, holding a bottle to his mouth. "It's just you and me against the world, buddy."

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