Chapter 1

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We were walking in the university corridor and it was so peaceful until I heard some noises and I very well know who is making these noises. We look at each other and sign. Then a boy came towards us while saying " why is nobody stopping it? " while closing his ears " hey can u help me? " he looked at us and asked. " Help you in what? " we ask, tilting our heads. The boys started " I was going to my class there I saw a- " " crowd? " " yeah and i saw- " " two persons " " yes and they were- " " fighting like no tomorrow " " yes and nobody is- " " stopping them " that boy got irritated not because of getting cut off on every sentence but because after knowing everything he don't get any reaction from any of us. " If you guys know everything then why the hell not stop them? " he said in annoyance. " I think we should look after them. " " I am sooo tired of this denial. " " I agree with ema. Whatever it is, their daily drama. " said in annoyance. " I know. " We all sing heavily. " Hey boy, don't mind them, just do your work. " Ema said. " Are you new here? " Danial asks, raising his eyebrows. The boy just nodded in confusion. " ah.. That's why he is reacting like this. " Lucas said in a little annoyed voice. Soon the big noise can be heard. " I think it got worse. We should go. " ema said as they all started to go from where the voices were coming. " YOU HOW DARE YOU. " " IT'S BECAUSE OF YOU. " " DON'T YOU DARE TO BLAME ME. " " WHY YOU'RE THE ONE WHO STARTED IT. " " OH REALLY? THEN WHO WAS THE ONE WHO STARTED IT YESTERDAY HUH. " Two people were shouting at each other cursing each other in the hallway of the university, disturbing the whole university. " Calm down olivia. " Ema said, " Don't shout like a manic noah. " Lucas said while signing. Noah looked at them and said " Lucas she- " " What did I do? " Olivia asked, raising her eyebrows. " Your asking me? Dont u know what you did? " he asked as he scoffed at her. Ignoring him, Olivia turned to her friend and started to explain " Lucas Ema when I entered the university there was a boy standing in front of the canteen- " cutting her Noah said " He was asking the way to the principal office so I went to help. " " So I went to help him. " Olivia said, cutting noah. " I was the first who approached him. " Noah said glaring at Olivia. " No! I approached him first. " Olivia counter glaring back at him. " Oh really? Nice joke. " he said mockingly to make the other one angry and it worked. " I am not joking around you stupid it was me who approached him. " she said back to him, pressing stupid word more. It triggers the noah again " HOW DARE U. " "I DARE BECAUSE YOU ALWAYS INTERRUPTING IN MY BUSINESS. " With this they again started to fight. Everyone looks at them with so done expression. " I am so done with you guys. " Ema said, looking at them. " Are you both coming with us for class or not? " Danial asked two fighting people with irritating face. But those two just ignored him and started fighting again. " What are you all standing here for? Is the drama going on? Go to your own work. " ema shouted at people who are just enjoying the ongoing drama of two fighting people. The crowd starts murmuring to themself " like seriously? Is this even the reason? To start a fight? " " I am so used to this daily thing. " " Come on guys, today's topic was not that interesting. Let's go. " " You're right. Let's not stay here. Let's go. ". Lucas looks around shaking his head " .... When you are both done. come to the class. " he says and starts to go towards his class with others. " we are going now. " " lets go. " camila and danial shouted as they started to move for their classes. The crowd started to disappear but their argument was like a never ending saga. They were shouting at each other that they didn't hear the class bell ringing. They stop when the teacher comes and drag both of them to the principal's office.

In the principal's office, the principal was looking at the two of them with an annoyed look where they both were just standing there like it was a daily routine. Mr. Whitlock asked his assistant or his good friend Mr. Elrod " What are they doing here? " " Maybe make another mess. " Mr. Elrod says as he looks at both of them. " What the... " Mr. Whitlock sighs and asks " How many days? " " What? Sir? " Mr. Elrod is confused as he dont get what the other one is saying. Mr. Whitlock repeated " how many days are there till their graduation? " looking up at his friend. " One month for Noah and two months for Oliva as she took the extra special class. " Mr. Elrod answered with a chuckle. " what!! One month? " Mr.Whitlock said shocked and shook his head and continued " it's fine.. at Least one of them will leave and this daily problem will be gone. Then after 2 months I can live happily without any stress from their non-stop stupid fights. " he sighs, making the other one laugh a little. Olivia and Noah come inside the cabin seeing them there Mr.Whitlock asks " what's now? ".

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