Divorce's Hidden Impact on Second Love

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Scarlett wanted a divorce, but the reason for it was difficult for her to articulate.

The wedding night didn't go well.

The eagerly anticipated bridal chamber candlelit night, filled with nervousness and excitement, ended in failure.

Dylan hugged Scarlett, apologizing and feeling awkward, "I'm sorry, today was too exhausting."

Scarlett thought it was just because they were tired from the busy wedding day and didn't think much of it.

However, it never succeeded afterward.

And then, three years of a sexless marriage.


This is something that can't be brought up with anyone.

Scarlett and Dylan are colleagues.

Not long after joining the company, some older colleagues intentionally played matchmakers.

They were both single in the office, and their ages were close, so they started dating.

With family pressures mounting, they quickly moved on to marriage discussions.

Dylan is a man of few words, doesn't smoke or drink excessively, and doesn't have any major flaws.

Scarlett thought marrying such a man would be fine, and so she did.

Both being traditionally minded, they believed the most beautiful thing should happen on the wedding night.

Little did they know, it was the beginning of a tragedy.

Initially, they would try, but later, it never succeeded. Dylan became somewhat sensitive and insecure.

He even started smoking and drinking, coming home to cry and act out, calling himself a failure.

Scarlett understood Dylan's feelings.

She felt sorry for him and always comforted him, saying, "Even if it's like this for a lifetime, I won't leave you. Let's find a solution together; don't burden yourself."

But Dylan was a bit evasive about addressing the issue.

Eventually, they dared not touch upon this topic again, living together without desires or expectations.


In reality, the reason for the divorce goes beyond the lack of intimacy. After getting married, to avoid suspicion, Dylan changed his job and the couple commuted together every morning, with Dylan driving Scarlett to work. In the eyes of outsiders, they were a loving couple. However, Scarlett knew that there were problems between her and Dylan. Their home was eerily quiet. When they returned home from work, they either stared at each other or played with their phones, then went to sleep separately, resembling strangers sharing a rented place.

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