The night out...

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Another show another success. Four friends who grew up together, were educated together,  and now competing together. Their friendship was a tight unit growing over the years and grow stronger & stronger. After the show, the four friends decided to celebrate their various successes in the competition and let their hair down after weeks of strict preparations.

Walking through the town they laughed and joked. They always attracted a mixed bag of reactions from unwanted attention, genuine admiration, polite questions, rude questions, and requests for selfies. Most people were polite and pleasant but quite a few were rude. Nothing would spoil tonight though, they were all fiercely proud of their achievements, their physiques and had a strong desire to party!

"I should have worn trainers," said Julie

"You'll struggle like the rest of us!" chuckled Beth who was tightly clamped around Julie's arm mainly for extra stability.

The party stopped to cross over a quiet road. When, mid-way across, a seeding car was heard. The car came around the bend way too fast for a restricted speed area, it sped perilously close to the friends nearly hitting them.

"Bloody hell," said Beth as she pulled Julie back, just missing the speeding car.

"Fucking dickhead" shouted Bernie as the car went past.

In what seemed like time stopping the driver was almost close enough to touch, lips moving as he swore,  his hand slamming the car horn, not as a warning but as a threat. It was their fault-not his!

A short time after passing the group the driver screeched to a halt, sticking his head out of the window, shouting abuse and rude hand signals to the group.

"Come here and say that" shouted Bernie

"I'll go and give him a piece of my mind," said Kate as she started running towards the car. She decided very quickly she couldn't run in heels!

The driver sped off avoiding the confrontation.

"Chicken shit" shouted Bernie

Typical rude uneducated comments. Normally they would ignore such behaviour, but as the car was dangerously close they were mighty pissed off.

They reached their favourite bar, and a meal, drinks and some dancing were planned. They toasted their success and their future, drinking, talking and laughing. Then came the outrageous dancing to as many 80's hits as they could. They had a good time and forgot about the incident with the car. Calling it a night and quite Merry they left the bar.

"To the taxi rank," said Beth like it was a quest

"My feet hurt," said Julie removing her shoes

So what seemed like a 70-mile hike began.

Things hit a little more interesting when they passed a side street. Something caught Kate's eye.

"Do you see what I see" asked Kate

Bernie & Julie burst into you hear what u was tuneless!

They backed up to see what Kate was looking at. There down a side street was a very distinct and familiar-looking car parked up. It was the same car that had nearly run them over.

"It's the car from earlier I recognise the license plate" said Kate

"And those stupid stickers on the bumper" added Bernie.

They all moved a little closer to the car peering through the windows, the car was empty.

"I'm going to kick his car, teach him a lesson," said Kate

"You can't do that..." replied Beth but before she had finished her sentence...


Kate's powerful leg kicked the car door. The whole car shook and the car panel creased and dented in a foot-like shape.

Kate's hand went straight up to her mouth in shock.

"I didn't think I'd dent it that much, I thought these cars were sturdy and tough or is it just we are tough-er-rerrrr!" slurred Kate

"Let me try" said Julie removing her shoes.


Again the car rocked from the power of the kick and the panel dented from the explosive powerful kick.

"I feel so powerful....and is too much fun," said Julie

"Criminal damage more like," said Beth

Bernie was a lot more discrete, leaning against the car with her back on the bodywork and pushing her body against the structure, edging her bare feet, step by tiny step. Her muscular body started to crush into the bodywork with little effort. She thought no one would notice.

"Bernie's a car crusher!" exclaimed Julie "Look at the bodywork crushing!"

"Come on Beth...join in" said the others

"I'll see if I can lift it, but I won't be causing any damage," said Beth

Beth walked up to the back of the car and removed her shoes. She stood at the rear of the car facing the back window, she grabbed the ugly oversized spoiler on top of the boot of the vehicle and began to leave.

"Damn my arms look good," said Beth as she started to lift upwards. Her biceps continued to grow and her pull upwards was more intense. There was a creaking and splintering sound, as the boot lid started to bend upwards. Beth caught sight of the metal bending in defeat to her biceps, she loved the fact she was bending something designed to be strong yet it wasn't compared to her. Spurred on by seeing the metal bend upwards she pulled the spoiler up with ever-increasing strength.

Suddenly the splintering noise and creaking were extremely loud, Beth was ripping the whole spoiler off the rear of the car. The boot lid was creased where her strength had pulled the boot lid up and then ripped the spoiler off.  She fell to her back.

They all started to laugh at Beth on the floor, including Beth.

"What next? asked Julie

Bernie said " I've always wanted to try and force open a door"

She placed her fingers in between the top of the door frame and the roof. Her strong hands easily manipulated the top of the door frame away from its once-tight fit. She pulled the top of the door frame, rocking it a few times with her powerful arms and shoulders. The others heard the metal creak and crack, paint was starting to peel and chip as the metal twisted against itself. As the steel frame started to bend down Bernie started to feel satisfied and exhilarated watching her strength at work. The glass shattered as age continued to bend the frame down to the door panel.

"You are so buff, super buff...what you did was amazing that's kinda strongman territory," said Beth to Bernie

"You could have ripped that boot off if you had wanted," said Bernie to Beth.

"I love being strong," said Julie

"Let's flip it, let's flip the car," said Kate

"Do you think we could?" asked Beth

"We could pull it apart if we wanted to " smiled Bernie

They each lined up on one side of the car, all bare feet and sparkly party dresses. They rolled up their dresses and squatted down grabbing the underside of the car. They started to lift and the car rose, the wheels started to dangle freely as the side of the car tilted higher. They easily lifted it to waist level, and then to chest level. They looked at each other and smiled as they then counted to three, the car was nearly over on its side. They gave a final push and stood back, watching as the car flipped over and landed on its roof, there was a sound of smashing glass and metal scratching against the rough ground as the momentum continued. They jumped almost in unison, they had succeeded had flipping the car over with their incredible strength.

They picked up their shoes and walked away from the car, leaving it in a mess. As they walked away they all felt unstoppable, and empowered.

"We definitely have to do more car workouts in the future. What a feeling" agreed the friends.

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