Study Hall 1.

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Tsuki quietly walked the halls. School was almost over for the day that means studying. Her parents worked frequently and were very successful. They worked hard in marketing and were always attending weekly meetings. Therefore she sometimes studied at school. Ahh...lecture room 416, and after school the study hall.

Tsuki loves hitting the books but also enjoyed watching Lars stare out the window. It fuels her poetry... He was so intriguing. She sat down and got to work and naturally she finished the homework quickly so she slipped out her journal and got to writing. She must have been staring.

"Hey... Ouick question, okay? Thanks. Do I have something on my face?" The infamous school bully stood up from the window looking slightly pissed. Tsuki looks shy and replied, "N-No." He looked amusingly at her up and down while keeping the pissed tone. "Then I don't understand why the hell your staring at me nerd." She looks down and pushes up her glasses nervously. "I didn't mean too."

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