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It was a very cold, and slightly windy afternoon. It was one day before winter break, and school just ended for the day. Everybody including the goth punks, went to their lockers to gather their stuff.

"Finally, that sh*t's over! Now I can finally relax at home!" Cassandra said with a big grin on her face. She immediately started getting her stuff out of her locker.

"You can say that again! I'm gonna be relaxing my ass off for winter break!" Said Cyclops.

Alucard's POV:

I got to my locker a little late because I was talking to Pierre. When I got there, I saw Cass and Cyclops already at their lockers. "Hey guys" I said while opening my locker.

"Hey dude! What took ya so long to get here?" Cyclops asked, playfully punching me in the arm.

"Oh, I was just talking to Pierre." I said, rubbing the arm that he punched.

"Oh okay, what were you guys talking about?"

"We were just talking about stuff that we were gonna do on winter break." I said smiling bashfully while scratching the back of my head.

"Oh really?" Cassandra asked, closing her locker. "So, what are you doing for winter break" she asked while smirking at me.

", that's a good question." Hm, what am I gonna do? It's so boring at my house man... "Hm, I'm not sure what I'm gonna do, guess my winter break is gonna be boring."

"I can say the same, all I'm gonna be doing is probably play some videogames." Said Cyclops

"Hm, sounds lame" Said Cassandra. We all looked at each other, thinking of something we could do on winter break.

"Oh I know, why don't we have a party!" Said Cyclops. "Ooo, like a...a Christmas Eve party?"

"A Christmas Eve party?" Cassandra repeated.

"Did someone say, a Christmas Eve party?" Asked Nene, who was now walking towards us

"Oh hey Nene" Cassandra said, slightly blushing.

"Hey Cass, now what's this I hear about a Christmas Eve party?" Nene asked excitedly.

"Well um, Cyclops brought up the idea of a party on Christmas Eve." Said Cassandra.

"Oooo, that sounds awesome! I would love to come to this party, I'm not doing much on Christmas Eve." Said Nene.

"Well, I've never been to a Christmas Eve party, but it sounds like something cool, what do you guys think?" Asked Cassandra.

"I think we should do it, I'll be fun!" Said Cyclops.

"Sounds fun, I'm in!" I said.

"You can count me in!" Nene said very excited.

"Hm okay, guess we're having a Christmas Eve party then!" Cassandra said with a bashfully grin.

"Alright! But wait, whose house are we having the party at? Asked Nene.

"Oh, we can just have the party at mine, I live alone so it's cool." Said Cassandra.

"Oh okay, so what snacks are we gonna have at the party?" I asked.

"Now with that, Hanzou is gonna help out. since he's good at cooking, he'll be preparing the food." Cassandra said. "Cuz I can't cook for shit."

Cyclops laughed, "Hehe, that reminds me of that time you almost burned your house down, just from making nood-" Cyclops words were cut short by Cassandra grabbing him by the collar of his shirt.

"Don't bring that sh*t up again." She said, getting close up to his face.

"Okay okay! I won't bring it up!" Cyclops said, Cassandra released her grip.

"Speaking of Hanzou, where are they?" I asked, closing my locker after grabbing all my stuff.

"I think they're talking to Pico" said Cyclops. After he said that, I saw Hanzou walking with Pico.

"Hey guys" Cyclops said to Hanzou and Pico.

"Hey" Pico said, we all waved back at him. "So, what are you guys up to?"

"Well the goth punks are gonna have a party on Christmas Eve!" Nene said, with a little jump of excitement.

"Oh sh*t, sounds cool! Can I join too?" Asked Pico.

"Sure, we need more people anyway." Said Cassandra.

"Aww sweet!" He said in excitement.

"What about me? Can I join?" Hanzou asked with a fake frown.

"Of course you can join Hanzou! In fact, you're gonna help out! You're gonna help me with preparing the snacks!" Said Cassandra.

"Ooo okay, I already have some ideas of what snacks to make!" Hanzou said joyfully.

"Alrighty, I'll be there! Imma bring Darnell to the party too." Said Pico.

"Alright, now we just gotta tell Spike and Pierre about it, I'll text them later in the group chat." Said Cassandra.

"Well, can't wait to see y'all at the party!" Cyclops said, before leaving.

"Alright see ya later Cy!" I said.

"Catcha later Al! He said winking at me. "Later guys!" He said before leaving the school building. I started blushing a little from the wink he gave me. Hanzou saw my reaction and smirked.

"Well, we should probably get going too." Said Nene.

"Oh okay, see you guys later!" Said Hanzou.

"Yeah, see you at the party!" Pico said, before him and Nene started walking off.

"Welp, now it's just the three of us." Said Cassandra. "We should probably start getting home, ya coming Al?"

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm coming." I said, finally coming back to my senses.

"Alright c'mon then." She said before walking away. I started walking when Hanzou stopped me.

"So, what was that little thing that just happened between you and Cyril?" Hanzou asked with a smirk on their face.

"Oh that? Uh that- that was nothing... we're just cool that's all." I said, feeling flustered now.

"Hm okay, you were blushing kinda hard tho when that happened, but whatever floats your boat~" they said before walking away. After they were a perfect distance away, I facepalmed, feeling even more flustered. great, now they're on to me, they can sense the crush I have for Cyril! Ughhh.

"Hey Al, c'mon you slowpoke!" They said playfully. I got myself together before walking again.

"Okay Harold!" I said, teasing them.

"Hey! what did I say about calling me that? You know I don't like that name!" They laughed.

"I know" I said smirking. Then we left the school.

Hanzou's POV:

Oh yeah, he definitely has a crush on Cyril. Maybe I can help them express their feelings, and I have just the trick for that...

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