First impressions

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(Btw: the whole story will be in Cocoa's pov!)
I'm in my room one day, sitting alone as usual, until... A magic vortex comes up!? "Oh shit, well here we go again!" I said as I casually went through the portal.

"Ow!" I exclaim as I just fall on the ground. "Are those people over there?" I asked myself. It looked like a person and a... Rabbit? Monkey? But also, the environment was just graph paper, and past that was an endless black void. "Huh. That's kinda weird." I thought. Even though I wanted to go see what was going on, I didn't want to disrupt anything so stayed put which made me look a massive weirdo. "Whatever, I'll go look anyways." I muttered under my breath.

I walked over to where the two were talking. "So I have an idea for next short, how to hide a dead bo- who are you?" The rabbit monkey asked. "I got here because of a portal, and my name is Cocoa." I said. "I... Guess, we could work with this??" The person said. "Uh, my name is Danno and this is Riggy." Danno said. "Okay." I said.

Then a woman voice came in. "Hi Riggy- Who's that?" She asked. "Oh this is Cocoa. Cocoa meet Rosey, she's very nice! (Most of the time.)" Riggy told me. "Okay, nice to meet you." I said to Rosey, but she just gave me a look full of anger and jealousy. "Are you trying to steal Riggy from me?" She asked with anger. "Ma'am... I'm 16." I said. "Oh... But I still don't trust you yet so I'll make sure you don't hurt Riggy at least." She said in a firm tone. "What's her problem?" I asked Riggy. "Oh she just doesn't trust newcomers." He said. "Hmph!" Rosey walked away.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03 ⏰

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If Cocoa was in the Danno Cal universeWhere stories live. Discover now