Chapter 5

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Cole looked around the room , it was empty , completely empty. Not on trace of life could be found , not even a speck of dust." interesting..." Cole thought to himself he put his head outside the room and motioned for Justice to come over. Justice took a review of his surroundings and hustled over to the room. " Yeah , what's up , did you find anything worth looking at ,( gasp) did you finally find a hairline" he sputtered out , Cole gave him a disgusted look then rolled his eyes" No , but I think I found a connection , between the disappearances." He said then walked deeper inside of the once happy light green English room , to stand in a cold , dark,gray , nothing less area. Cole inspected further and further into the room , the once proud Justice clinged tightly on to Cole's gray tee-shirt " I don't feel good about this Bru."" This place gives me the creeps" he admitted Cole pushed him off " Get off of me you big baby-!" Cole shouted at him with annoyance in his voice , Justice tugged right back on to his shirt exclamating " Dude I promise no homo , if you want my company while inside this creepy - bleep room then I'm gonna need a teddy bear, and you're the closes thing I'm going to get to a teddy bear, matter a face with your body type you could be the perfect human teddy bear!" Cole put a " what the heck man" look on his face and shouted " I thought you said no homo?!" Justice let go of Cole and reponed in a whiney voice" I did , I didn't say I wouldn't tell the truth!" He then smiled and made puppy dog eyes " Why of all people did I choose YOU as a friend." Cole thought as Justice decided to leave his side an adventure further into the room" At least this friendship will have me prepared for fatherhood" he thought with a smile growing on his face. Justice on the other hand was not thinking about Cole , he was seeking for something interesting. He didn't want to wander into a dark scary room for nothing. After determinedly looking for about ten minutes Cole was the anxious to leave and search for the mysterious object somewhere else . " Come on Justice - I want to go" Cole moned . Justice gave him a quick annoyed look , then in a disappointed parent tone he spat out " Cole stop acting so childish! Please ,if you're going to complain like a whiney two year old be my guest but get out of the room to do it , I don't need your callow manner interfering with my investigation." Cole looked surprised at Justices reaction at first but calmed himself down before saying something. He had seen this happen before , Justice would act as foolish as a five year old on minute then as old and wise as a 98 year old man the next! Usually , with even more sass! Cole turned around and strolled off toured the door while saying" Okay Justice , you win I'll leave , call me on your transmitter I gave you , if you find something interesting." " I can use my IPhone just as well , thank you very much." Justice said in a huff. Cole rolled his eye wondering when this Rowen phase was going to go away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2015 ⏰

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