A New Chapter

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Baltimore City: the old mansion

Bliss sat on his black and white marbled couch playing COD when his phone began to ring. Picking it up with a quick glance; he saw it was his brother, Peace calling.

Casual conversation was not what was on his mind when he picked up.

"Yoooo... you know what number you're calling, right?" He spoke into the phone calmly.

Peace sounded much less than at-ease when he began his reply.

"Bro, I have a problem; and I need you to strap up RIGHT NOW to handle this business." Peace surged with urgency. "It's life or death."

Bliss was taken aback; mind already switching to a more dark and attentive state. "Life or death? You serious bro?" He asked curiously. Peace sighed heavily over the phone as Bliss heard the cock of a gun through the receiver. "Dead serious, Nigga." Peace replied.

"I'll see you soon." Was all that Bliss uttered before hanging up and shutting off the game; forfeiting yet another win. He got up and started jogging up the stairs; mentally preparing himself for the unknown issue of the day with his little brother.

"Ma! Ma, I need you come here real quick." He booked up the stairs to his wife. She was on the other side of the upper level from the stairs; in a spare room filled with boxes from Amazon and undisclosed senders. The woman bounded up to her husband, wiping some dust from her hands and face. "Yea, baby I'm here. Was just finally opening those boxes from our wedding." She said in exhaustion.

Bliss blinked and looked at her wildly.

"Mayhem, it was a vow renewal. 3 years ago. And we've been married since I met you. You're choosing to open your mothers gifts NOW?" He asked incredulously. Mayhem laughed. "Maybe in your mind; but on paper, we've only been married 8 years. And I'm only opening them so I can find out if I could sell most of it." She replied, placing a kiss on Bliss' rosy lips. Bliss gave a hard chuckled and shook his head. "When you add the other 10 years, it almost looks bad that I still don't get why you don't just do that to begin with; but we got more important shit going on." He said with a sigh.

He started walking into their bedroom and up to the desk, quickly taking off his shirt and shoes while opening up their wall closet with a press of his hand.

"Bliss Carter" came the computer voice.

Upon scanning his biometric DNA, the closet began to pull out hidden drawers and racks filled with guns and ammo clips; holsters and various grenades. Bliss strapped all his hand weapons quickly and turned to Mayhem; who had been patiently holding Bliss' shirt and waiting behind him. "How bad did he fuck up this time?" She'd asked Almost jokingly.

Bliss shook his head and put his shirt back on; stuffing his feet into thick steel toed boots. "I don't know. Peace wouldn't say, but he said it's real life or death. So I'm going. I don't know how serious it is, so I need you to come get right and keep Chaos close." Bliss said seriously; looking mayhem deep in her eyes. Her face fell as she absorbed his words while stepping up to the same panel her husband had before. She placed her hand and watched as the racks and drawers all changed to more light guns, and tactical weapons. Knives and sickles and trap bombs all lined her set-up, ready to be attached.

Mayhem began changing clothes and turned to her husband, who watched her closely. His eyes scanned her body as they always did, trying to make sure he had the most recent image in his head at all times. "How long will you be gone? And I need to know if we're targets so I know what to expect." Mayhem said to him sternly. Bliss took a deep breath and held her face in his hands.

"I'm gonna handle this shit in a day. 24 hours; and then I'll be back here. With you. And I'll update you along the way when I figure out what's going on." Bliss told his wife assuredly. He was determined not to lose her or anyone else today. Business as usual.

Mayhem nodded quickly and kissed her husband one last time. "24 hours; and I want you back in my arms; crisis averted." She scolded. Bliss laughed and shook his head. "God forbid I don't make it back and the assholes responsible have to deal with you. 24 hours." He said finally. He then turned towards the bedroom door to see his son standing there, unsurprisingly. They nodded to each other and had a quick hug. "I love you, Dad. Bring back uncle P." Chaos said nonchalantly. Bliss nodded again.

"I love you. And you stay strapped. Stay close to your mother and watch her back." He said before finally turning and heading out the house.


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