Jeffrey The Giraffe

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Jeffrey, was a Giraffe, who loved pineapples. Yep he did. He loved the way they tasted, he loved the look, he just in general loved them. So when he was presented with the opportunity to meet he creator of the pineapples, he of course accepted the offer with glee.
"Oh my lord, I'm going to meet the maker of pineapples, I really hope my excitement doesn't lead to a massive hard on when I'm trying to have a conversation with the glorious man"
Jeffrey sat in the waiting room of the pineapple company for 76 hours and 49 seconds, before the door swung open and a surprisingly attractive kate upton look alike midget walked out in the open.
"Mr giraffe, mr boss man is ready to see you"
Jeffrey of course had a massive boner the size of an arm, and was knocking objects off of shelves, and giving poor grannies concussions.
Turns out the maker of pineapples was a complete asshole who was not only racist, but a weeaboo. This encounter forever tainted Jeffrey's diet, as he would not want to consume foods created by someone who does not use their dick for peeing, but for golf

The end

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2015 ⏰

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