Chapter 1

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I walk out of the lake, soaked. "Oh jee, thanks, oh lord for throwing Me INTO A LAKE!" I yell at the sky. The others laugh at me, whispering. I walk to my left, annoyed and wet. I enter the forest and their laughing, fades away. My dumbass realises, I don't know where I am going. I turn around and start heading back. I reach the dock and yell. "Oi! Where are the cabins?!" I ask. A blond haired boy sitting on the dock, turns to me.

"I'll show you" He says, standing up. He walks up to me, staring at me with his blue eyes. "This way..." He says, looking at me up and down. Bitch...wot?. We walk for a while until we reach a group of cabins. He points to the first one. "That's where you and Stacey are sleeping" He says. I nod and walk to my cabin. When I enter, there is no lights except for a small, old light, dangling from the roof. I flip a switch and it flickers before it turns on. I look around and see a note on a bed. I open the note and it says.

'Your welcome, I thought you needed a clean, anyway. Your clothes are under the bed, you will stay here for a week. Goodluck. YOU BETTER help me make 20 bucks!!'

20 buck?....that's what they bet on me? 20 bucks? I look at the bottom of the page.

'P.S And no, it's not just 20 bucks we bet on'

"...well..." I say, not knowing what to do now...I check under the bed that had the note on and find a blue suitcase. I place it on the bed and open it up. There are several shirts and pants neatly packed in the suitcase, along with a small blue and white bag. I open the small bag and see a toothbrush, toothpaste, and lip balm. I grab a change of clothes and begin to change. That's when a blonde girl opens the door. I pull my shirt down. "What the hell?!" I yell as the blonde girl frowns, apon looking at me.

"I'm sharing a cabin with you? Great..." she says, sitting on the bed, opposite of me. She takes a selfie and starts to write something on her phone.

"Can you wait till I'm dressed?" I ask, rising my eyebrow. She rolls her eyes before continuing to text. Okay then... I grab my clothes and walk out of the cabin. Not far there are a larger cabin with a bathroom sign on it. I walk to the bathroom and halfway there I hear a snap. I ignore this of course and get to the bathroom. The walls are dusty and it is old. I go into a bathroom stall and begin changing.

I hear the door open and 2 voices flood in. "She's soooo weird. Yelling into the sky? What a freak..." who is that?

"I know right? I can't wait till scare her by the fire tonight..." wait a minute....that's the blond guy! Asshole......

"I can't believe this place still the FLESH!" The guy says.

"No......your not cool Daniel" Blondie says before leaving. I can hear their talking faint away. When it is quiet, I walk out of the stalls.

"Thou shall feel my rath, in only a matter of minutes, you shall feel pain. I curse thee, I curse all who looks down apon my self..." I say as I scurry out of the bathroom towards the dock with my wet clothes in hand. I see a small light in the distance. As I walk towards it I realise it's a fire. I get closer and the brown haired girl spots me.

"Y/N! Hey, come here!" She yells smiling. I approach her. "We are telling stories by the fire, cate to join?" She asks me.

"Alright...what story is being told now?" I ask, sitting next to her. The blondie and the girl in my cabin sit down. A boy with dark brown hair watches me.

"So, have you heard the story behind camp blood?" The dark haired boy asks me. I shake my head as he grins widely. "A woman worked here as a chef...she had a son called...Jason..." He begins.

The girl next to me leans in slightly. "He was bullied because of his appearance...he was deformed, inhuman...and one day, some kids pushed him in the lake..." he says, pointing to the lake behind me. "He drowned and the mother went into a killing spree..." The girl next to me gasps. Weak.

"The cops found her head cut off...they say that Jason rose from the dead and avenged his mother....but that's just a myth, the freak is dead" he says, changing the mood very quickly.

"Hey, maybe Jason....will come for us!" The blond guys says, grabbing Stacey and scaring her. I turn to the dark haired boy.

"What's your name?" I ask. I opens a beer.

"Daniel?" He says. "Anyway...I have a story specially for you Y/N...." He says in a creepy tone.

" just thought I would tell ya, you're gonna be the first to go..." I say as he looks at me puzzled. "When I mean go...I mean're gonna die" I say and everyone goes silent. I throw my wet clothes into the fire and I hear a scoff.

"What are you trying to do?" Daniel says to me. "You going psyco like that freaks mom?" He asks me. I stand up and yell out loud.


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