Part 1

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POV: Mr Park


"In this emotional moment, with tears in her eyes, she whispered desperately, 'Look out for each other...' The final breath escaped her lips, leaving behind a heavy silence. With a trembling hand, I held hers tightly, struggling to compose myself. Though we all knew her time was near, I clung to a glimmer of hope, praying for a miracle that never came. As that hope died, a part of me crumbled along with it.


Time had passed, and here we were in the present day. The room erupted with joyous cheer as glasses were raised to toast my brother's birthday celebration. Gideon Park - a man of many titles: Child of God, my brother, bestselling author, CEO of Tech Enterprises, philanthropist, and soon-to-be husband. Witnessing his success filled me with pride. Mother would have been proud of you, Gideon.

Away from the spotlight, away from the public eye that I detested, I stood. But for my brother, I had ventured out of my seclusion. Missing his birthday five times in a row was a mistake I couldn't make again. Yes, five times. It seemed Gideon held these extravagant parties partly to spite me. Despite our differences over the years, this time was different. He could be bothersome, but he was still my little brother.

Days before his birthday, Gideon made an unexpected visit to my home. It wasn't unusual for him to drop by, but the nervous energy he exuded piqued my interest. Standing amidst my garden, he uttered the words that took me by surprise, 'I seek your blessing to marry Abigail.' Shock coursed through me. Gideon, diving into marriage with his hectic schedule? A proud moment indeed, my little brother stepping into matrimony before me.

'Marriage is a commitment,' I began, questioning his readiness, wondering if he truly envisioned a life with Abigail. He paced anxiously as I tended to my plants, seeking reassurance about this important decision, about intertwining their lives. 'Yes, yes, yes,' he answered fervently, armed with thorough research and confidence in his choice.

'Have you sought Gods will? Have you consulted the elders?' I probed. Gideon's affirmative responses reassured me. Reflecting on the positive changes Abigail had brought to his life, I granted my blessing. If it was God's will for them to wed, who was I to object?

Swapping smiles, he approached me for a hug before springing another request, 'Bring your girlfriend to the wedding. I don't want gossip about my lonely older brother.' His words made me chuckle, defending my age and independence. 'Why care about idle talk?' I questioned.

'Come with a girlfriend, and I'll even offer a million pounds as incentive,' he prodded. Leaning against the wall, arms folded, I dismissed the notion of finding a partner for monetary gain. Our banter continued until I opted to send my good wishes by post.

Now, as I stood facing my brother, the comical offer of a million pounds lingered in the air. Was this a jest or a challenge on his part? Chuckling at the idea, I contemplated the ease of finding a suitable match for myself. Lost in thought, Gideon approached, nudging me to engage with the guests; an offer I politely declined.

'I'm heading home,' I informed him with a smile. 'The party isn't my scene.' A brief exchange later, I bid farewell, driving off into the night. But fate had other plans as a figure suddenly darted onto the road, narrowly avoiding a collision, leaving me no choice but to halt my car in the nick of time. Amazed by the unexpected turn of events, I stepped out, only to find the woman collapsed on the pavement."

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