Little Sister-Gummy_Fishy

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OneShot #1 Gummy_Fishy

*~*~No one's POV~*~*

Marcus is sitting at the table in the cabin. Its 4 am, and the house is eerily quiet. A dim light shines in the kitchen, startling Marcus from his thoughts. He heard a thump, like someone jumping. He stood, his hand going instinctively to his side, wrapping his fingers around his wand.

Marcus stepped forward, ready to attack, a spell in his mind. He pushed forward the pantry door, and flings his wand out under the persons chin. "What the hell, Thatcher?!" Astoria shoved his arm away from her neck. "Were you trying to scare me to death?"

Marcus sneered at her. "No I was getting ready to defend the cabin against an intruder. What are you doing down here so late, anyways?"

"I could ask you the same thing. Its nearly 4:20. You should be asleep. What are you up to?" She looked at him curiously.

"I asked you first, Greengrass. Now answer the damn question!"

She narrowed her eyes. "Well, Thatcher, if you must know. I was making a cup of tea for myself. My throat was hurting, and I figured this might help." She held up a box of assorted teas. "Your turn. What are you doing this late at night?"

Marcus sat at the table. He placed his elbows up and rested his chin on his fist. "Thinking."

"What, about my 'fit sister'? She snorted.

Marcus turned to face her. "Just because you got all butthurt doesn't mean you can get lippy with me!"

"Oh please. What are you gonna do?" She flipped her hair off her shoulder, and continued rummaging through the tea bags. Marcus sighed, and didn't answer. Astoria froze, then turned around.

"If I were in your year, would you have considered it when I asked you out?"

Marcus looked at her. "What the hell are you taking about?"

"Just answer me!" Her voice shook, and it sounded as though she was holding back tears. "If I were older, would you date me?"

He squinted. He couldn't tell if she messing with him or not. "Yeah, maybe."

"But you would end up saying no, correct?" Astoria placed her mug of water in front of her, pulled out her wand, and muttered a heating spell.

He rolled his eyes. "I thought we covered that when you really did ask me out."

"You would end up saying no. Why?"

"Well," Marcus began. "Like I said before, your older sister i-"

"So I was wrong."


"I was wrong. When I started to have a crush on you, I thought you were different. I thought you were different from the guys that had already tried to get me in bed with them." She put the tea bag in the water.

Marcus was astonished. "Guys have tried to get you to have sex with them? I, I had no idea."

Astoria wiped at her eyes. "Do you think it's easy? You're the first guy I've allowed myself to like in a long time. Because I thought you were different." She sniffed. She opened a random drawer and pulled out a spoon and began stirring her tea. "You know, in a way, you are different from those other guys. They knew something you don't."

"Are you insulting me?" Marcus asked angrily.

She laughed. "Hell no!" She paused. "Well, maybe a little. All in really saying is you have no chance with my sister. Like, none at all."

He glared at her. "And why the hell not? Is she not into sexy bad boys?"

"Not really, no."

"Well then how do you know she wouldn't date me?"

"Because you don't have tits or a vagina." She took a sip of her tea.

Marcus froze. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, my sister is a lesbian. Did you ever think of that? No! Because every damn person assumes that others are straight. But guess what? Sometimes they aren't! I'm tired of people thinking everything is so black and white, when it isn't." Astoria stared into her tea.

Marcus was speechless. He felt terrible. Here he was, getting mad at Potter for assuming things about him, and he hadn't even stopped to think. He just didn't think a hot girl would be...lesbian. The thought had never occurred to him. "I, I had no idea."

Astoria sniffed, then allowed herself a small smile. "Obviously. Otherwise, you might have thought twice before you rejected me."

Suddenly Marcus couldn't speak. It was kinda hard to do that when somebody's lips are pressed against yours. He grabbed Astoria's face, drawing her closer. Her hands wrapped around his neck. Her head turned to the side, allowing him a better angle. One of his hands reached down her back, and rested on the small of her back and pulled her closer, pressing her body to his. She moaned, and licked his bottom lip, flicking her tongue. He opened his mouth, and deepend the kiss. Her hands were now running up and down his back, grabbing at his shirt. Marcus couldn't believe it. This girl, this younger girl whom he had rejected, was the best kisser he'd ever met. Even better than Potter. Damn, he couldn't get enough. Just as he grabbed her hips, she pulled away.

Astoria's eyes met his, her chocolatey brown gorgeous eyes. "Good night Marcus." She walked out, swinging her hips behind her. Marcus leaned back into his seat and sighed, running a hand through his hair. He fucked up, bad this time. At the very least, he'd always heave this night, this moment, forever.

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