What If: The Sisters Felt Sorry For Shirai?

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DId you miss me? Sorry but between real life things and a complete loss of desire to write anything due to a bit of a breakdown on my part, I just have had no desire to write anything. 

Then this came pouring out.

While you will see many of the same characters as in my other Sisters stories, this story is not set in that timeline. I just felt like writing something a little different. I know, LOL, as usual! Remember to read the Sisters lines deadpan.

There are some very mild lemons here, so be aware. I hope you enjoy.

One footnote.


It was another Sister 'Fun' night, being held at Misaka 19054's apartment. The theme was 'Street Food' with every Sister to bring a different street food from a sidewalk or small streetside vender to share.

There was takoyaki, tako tamago, dango, onigiri, Yaki tomorokoshi, yaki-imo, etc. A feast of street foods.

"Yum says Misaka 19911 while worrying about gaining weight."

"Misaka 10032 is planning to exist on plain miso soup and water for the next three days Misaka 10032 states while thinking tonight's food to be worth the sacrifice."

"Taadaa exclaims Misaka 11420 unveiling the delicious sweet taiyaki desserts that Misaka 11420 purchased to complete the feast."

"Misaka 10039 groans while shaking a fist in mock anger at Misaka 11420 for procuring such an evil and tempting dessert."

"Misaka 19540 offers to consume Misaka 10039's portion to save Misaka 10039's figure."

"Misaka 10039 offers to shoot Misaka 10540 for attempting to consume Misaka 10039's portion Misaka 10039 states with a laugh."

"Misaka 10032 would like to point out that Mother Misuzu has instructed Big Sister that consuming these types of foods will help with development of certain underdeveloped areas."

All the Sisters looked down at their chests and then sighed.

After cleaning up the girls ended up settling down for some Sister bonding time, making themselves comfortable on various chairs and sofas around the apartment while sipping tea.

"Misaka 19911 realizes that this is normally a time for Sisters to relax and have pleasant conversation but Misaka 19911 has a distressing incident to report."

The other Sisters looked at each other then nodded at 19911 to continue.

"Misaka 19911 requests that this information not be shared with Last Order."

The other Sisters nodded again.

"On Wednesday Misaka 19911 was enjoying the Spring weather and was exploring a certain park known to all Sisters for Big Sister's clandestine rendezvous with Savior."

More nodding with muttered 'Such Misfortunes' sprinkled in.

"Misaka 19911 was deciding whether to splurge on a crepe when faint sounds of distress were heard from a corner of the park not frequented by visitors Misaka 19911 relates. Worried that a child might be lost or injured Misaka 19911 decided to emulate Savior and investigate."

"Savior would be proud Misaka 19032 confirms."

"What did Misaka 19911 find asks Misaka 11420 anxiously eager to hear more of the story."

"Misaka 19911 found a heretofore unknown small glade with a small bench that is hidden from casual view Misaka 19911 relates to the Sisters sharing the location via the Network. Seated on the bench weeping was Molester states Misaka 19911 who was shocked to see that Molester had Molester's knees drawn up to Molester's chest looking tiny and miserable. Misaka 19911's heart broke for Molester who looked so tragic."

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