Not My Choice

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*Contains S4 special spoilers-ish? Has S4 special info*

He never wanted it. He never wanted to feel such heartbreak. He never wanted to know loss. He never wanted him to die.

It all started many years ago when a monkey was born from a stone… wait, that's too far back. The problem started many years after that. The problem started when the Brotherhood lost to the Celestial realm and Sun Wukong had no choice but to join forces with the great monk and be seen as a traitor to his brothers. Due to Sun Wukong's impulsive behavior, the great monk had to use a magical band that would be used to stop the monkey from doing anything rash. The magical band however was misused and Sun Wukong had to suffer through anything the monk wanted him to do regardless of how despicable the act, or how traumatizing the deed was…

–Current Day–

Sun Wukong the Monkey King was relaxing on Flower Fruit Mountain waiting for Mk to arrive for training. The day was bright and warm causing Monkey King to sip peach juice as he rested on a tree branch with a few of the other monkeys.  

The mystic monkey looked down when he heard Mk shouting that he had arrived and was jumping around searching for Monkey King. “Hey bud! You ready for training today?” He asked the energetic boy. “ABSOLUTELY! I’m ready to learn more monkey magic!” Mk replied as he punched his hands out fistfighting the air in excitment. Monkey King just laughed and walked over to a clear area so that the two of them wouldn't destroy his home. 

“Ok, so what you're going to learn today is simple. It's meditation.” Monkey King began, “Now I know that I’m probably not the best example of someone who meditates, buuuut you need to meditate to learn more about yourself and the problems of past mistakes so that you won’t repeat them again.” As he spoke he could see Mk being super confused and sighed as he tried to condense what he just said. 

“You need to meditate to get stronger and smarter.” This time there was a very different reaction. “WOAH! So meditating will make me stronger?” He asked. “Yup, so meditate well. I'll even meditate with you!” The monkey told him. “Really! awesome!”

The duo sat down and began to meditate. Mk wasn't quite understanding how to meditate, but Monkey King was already deep into meditating and couldn't be distracted. Mk continued to try meditating but failed again and again until he gave up and went home after leaving a note with Monkey King explaining his absence. 

“Wukong, can you pass me that plum?” Monkey King awoke in his meditative state and was back when the Brotherhood was still together. He looked for the voice of whoever had spoken and saw himself and Macaque. The two of them were sitting under a tree on a blanket with a picnic basket next to Sun Wukong. “Of course, bud!” The younger Wukong replied.

Monkey King smiled at the memory of that day, he had finally built up the courage to ask Macaque on a date, sure he didn't exactly say it was a date, but he thought it was obvious enough. Looking back, Monkey King realized that it probably wasn’t as obvious as he had originally thought it was. 

The scene suddenly changed to the fight with the Celestial realm. As the scene became more focused, Monkey King began to panic. He didn't want to relive this again, he had suffered through this once already, wasn't that enough? But no matter what he did, he couldn't wake up from his meditation. He was stuck in this nightmare.

Sun Wukong watched as his brothers fell in battle one by one until it was just him. He made a deal to save his brothers, one that he wished he never made, one that made him wish he kept fighting. He watched as he agreed to be a lap dog for the Celestials, and watched as they placed the magical band upon his head. The cursed magical band that caused him so much pain and suffering. 

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