chapter one: winter day

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"How may I help you?" 

Jungkook smiled warmly, facing the three boys who were discussing the menu overhead in murmurs. They were new faces, but Jungkook hoped they became regulars. Each of them had a kind charm that he couldn't help but lean into. 

The boys kept taking small glances at Jungkook in between their whispers. 

"Hello," the shorter boy said, "What would you recommend?" Though his voice held no ill will, the boy shot him a wink and leaned on the counter. Jungkook sucked in a breath, eyes falling to his shoes. 

"Uh, I would recommend the Iced Coffee or the Vanilla Frappe," Jungkook managed to say, fingers finding the lining of his apron. 

"Sure, I'll have an Iced Coffee," the boy said, glancing back at his two friends. They gave him a shared look, one that Jungkook did not understand. One more minute passed, giving Jungkook the understanding that the three were more than friends. 

Soulmates, perhaps. Each pair or group of mates connected in ways others could not comprehend. Jungkook yearned for a love that took place unspoken. He'd give anything for that bond. 

"And an Iced Americano and a Mocha Latte, please," the short boy continued. He was the shorter of the three, but definitely had a few inches on Jungkook. Although, he usually went with the excuse that he was still growing. 

Jungkook briefly relayed the price to the boy and handed the boy the receipt earning a wide smile and a curt wink.

"Thank you, Jungkook," the boy said, getting playfully teased as the three went off to find a table. Jungkook stiffened when the short boy had said his name like he had known it well, but brushed aside the thought, remembering the little name tag he wore. 

Jungkook made quick work of the tasks ahead of him. Aside from the boys who took most of his attention in the few moments they were there, there was a line nearly out the door. Weekends were always busier than weekdays and the other staff members were off on vacation because it was nearing Christmas. 

Only one other staff member was on schedule to work with him this week, but she had left early today, claiming that she had a Doctor's appointment. The boss believed her without question, although Jungkook had seen her with her boyfriend with packed bags and a cheerful smile. 

She wasn't to blame. Hana deserved the time off. She was a lovely girl and her soulmate was a kind man.

The drinks were done in an instant, and Jungkook called the boy's name, which turned out to be Jimin. Despite wanting to stay and chat with the charming boy, Jungkook hurried off, tending to the other orders lined up for him. 

Out of the corner of his eye, Jimin's friend (or boyfriend) picked up the drinks and distributed them among the other two boys. The group lingered for a small while more before taking off. 

Jungkook's heart sank slightly at the sight of the boys walking off. Something drew him to them. He didn't have the time to question it. 

The closing shift's staff never appeared. 

No one came to finish the remaining hours of the day. No one showed up to clean up and close up the cafe. Jungkook stayed five hours longer than he promised. 

He tried to be positive, imagining couples having dinner with one another for the first time in months or a stressed individual completely drained and having taken a much-needed rest. 

He cleaned up the cafe and prepared it for the morning. Jungkook's vision shook, hands shooting out to hold onto the counter. It was only ten at night. Yet, when he had arrived at five am, he had already lacked the energy to take on the day. 

Jungkook left the bakery quietly, fingers stiff as he tried to fit the key into the door. This winter left him freezing, even when he was in the bakery. The heating did little to comfort his cold body, and he didn't fit his old jacket that he used to wear when he was younger. 

Finally, locking up, Jungkook turned around and sat on the curb. Across the street, a man stared at him. Jungkook didn't notice the man, arms wrapped around his torso in an attempt to avoid freezing.

His legs were weak, willing him to take a break before he walked a few blocks to his apartment. His apartment was cold, so it made little difference whether he sat here, out in the open, or in his suffocating apartment. 

A larger apartment would have been inconvenient since his mother claimed that she would feel uncomfortable if she visited and had to introduce herself to Jungkook's roommates. Yet, she hadn't visited in months. 

The man from across the street walked towards Jungkook, approaching him and only stopping when he was right in front of him, in the street. Jungkook's head rose, staring at the boy towering over him. 

"It's cold," the boy pointed out. Surely, it was a prompt for Jungkook to do something. Jungkook nodded, nothing to offer the boy. 

The boy dropped a jacket over Jungkook's body. Jungkook took it, with furrowed eyebrows. 

"You dropped this," Jungkook said, holding the jacket out for the boy to take back. 

"I didn't drop it, I'm giving it to you," the boy said. He smiled sadly at Jungkook, bending down to meet his eyes. "What's your name?" 

"Jungkook," he replied, avoiding meeting Yoongi's eyes. Meeting his eyes would be rude. Jungkook was not worth being someone who could be treated like a normal person. He was a bad person, and refused to allow himself to live like a person until he finally became worthy. 

"Jungkook," the man repeated, sighing. His breath left like a puff of smoke in the air. The man stared at Jungkook's bare arms, frowning. 

Jungkook hid his arms, ashamed. They were the only decent part of his body, but they were smaller than most. His wrists were too small, and he knew he seemed unmanly because of them. 

"I'm Min Yoongi," the boy revealed. Yoongi stood up and began walking away.

Jungkook stumbled to get up, calling out Yoongi's name. 

"You forgot your jacket," he said. 

Yoongi didn't turn to look back at him. 

"Keep it." 

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