1 - Cheer Captain

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Sunday - 11:38 pm

"Really, Richard? You're going to play this card again?"

Oh great! Another argument, how fun!

My parents, if you could even call them that, have been arguing about the pettiest of things for the past week. This one was about how "Richard", my dad, didn't push his dining table chair in.

"Yes, Emily, I am! I'm playing it because you're the one who dealt me this hand.

I hear "Emily", my mom, storm off to their room and slam the door behind her. I guess dad is using the spare bedroom tonight, just like he has been every night this past week.  In all fairness, that was a good ass comeback from him. But, I wish they could have just been a little bit quieter, seeing as I have school in the morning.

As you could probably already tell, they're not the best parents you could ask for; they're what you could call toxic. They want what's best for me, I know, but it's like they try to get what's best for them through me too.

I'm drifting off to sleep when I hear my mom crying into her pillows. Hearing that as I fall asleep was not the best for a good night's rest.


Monday - 5:30 am

The combination of my alarm clock and my mom yelling at me to "turn that noise off!" eventually woke me up. I always made sure to wake up early, so I would have plenty of time to take a shower, get dressed, style my hair, and do my makeup.

When I hopped in the shower I was finally able to feel relaxed compared to my last few conscious hours. The cool water helped me to calm my mind and think about how I can start the year off. I need to remind everyone who is in charge: me.

With the help of my soothing shampoo, I came to the conclusion of making out with my boyfriend at the main entrance. That will ensure most, if not everyone, will see us.

As I was stepping out of the shower I remembered that the cheerleaders were performing for the school before lunch today for a ridiculous "welcome back" assembly. And I, as the cheer captain, am in charge of what we do.

So, on top of the pressure of keeping my spot as the most popular girl in school, I have to worry about what cheer we'll be doing, who is going to be there, and make sure I look extra hot. Ugh. My life sucks.

As I was saying, before I was so rudely interrupted by my own thoughts, I finally get to see my boyfriend after the summer break. He claims he was with his family New York, but I think he was actually planning a huge surprise for the first day of school for me.

Pulling on my cheer shell and skirt, I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and almost die. I stand up and walk towards the mirror, touching my forehead. There, right in the middle of my perfectly clear skin, sat the largest, reddest zit I've had since junior high.

"Shit, shit, shit," I mutter to myself as I try to think of a way to cover it. Of course this happens to me on my first day back to school.

I glance at the clock sitting on my vanity - 6:03. Great! Now I only have 27 minutes for hair and makeup before my boyfriend arrives to pick me up. Oh, that's right, and figure out a way to cover up Mount Zit.

On the bright side, if there even is one, I'm still on track to not having to talk to my parents this morning.

I decided to try my best to cover the zit with makeup, and so far it's not looking too bad. I move onto the blush while I think of all the boring teachers, classes, and classmates. As I'm debating putting false eyelashes on, my phone buzzes as a reminder that it's Chelsea's birthday today.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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