Out with the Old, In with the New

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TW: Violence and mentions of drowning,

She woke up to the sound of the car's door closing and she quickly sat up and hovered her hand over the gun in her duty belt. "Meggy? Are you okay?" It was just Tari, holding an energy drink in her hand as she buckled herself in the car. "Y-yeah... Sorry, you caught me off guard" she joked as her shaking hand moved away from the weapon. Tari noticed her heart rate and put the drink in the cup holder. "Did I... scare you?" Tari tilted her head to the side, her facial expression showing a worried expression. "No no it's just..." she sighed as she fixed her seat upright. "It's nothing..." she looked away from Tari, hearing the car start up. Tari thought for a moment, giving her the drink and soon started to drive. "We are almost there... just 30 mins away" "Good... Good..."

He groaned as his body ached, he could feel that her hands were tightly tied behind his back and he was tied to a metal chair, he was blindfolded so he was using his other senses to figure out where he was. It was cold and he could hear the sounds of the metal chains in this place clinking together from the wind, and the sound of wood creaking echoed. Was he in a abandoned building...? He could feel the snowflakes litter his face and hair as he tried to remove the blindfold by rubbing his face on his shoulder. He soon heard creaky footsteps coming toward him, his heart began to race as he tried to get back, the chair yanked forward as he heard a snap of the chains against his chair. "Hello Little Prince" The familiar glitching voice spoke. "Wren, What do you want with me?!" 3 snarled as tried kicking him, only to find out that his legs were tied down to the chair. "Oh nothing much, You're just bait" Wren chuckled in a sadistic manner. "I knew that either your pathetic excuse of a husband will come and it will be a distraction for M e g g y" SMG3 jerked his body back, he didn't hit the ground, he was stopped by the chain attached to the chair. "You leave my husband out of this-!" He yelled in anger, only to get gagged by a cloth. "Sorry, Can't have you screaming" Wren laugh in a manic matter. 3 could feel himself get lifted up, hearing the chains rattle as he got pulled up into the air, he panicked as he heard a loud metal creak. He was turning. He suddenly felt extremely cold and felt the small snowflakes falling on his face. He could also hear ice breaking and water splashing. He knew what was happening, Wren was going to drown him. He tried screaming and yelling, but his cries for help were muffled by the cloth that silenced him. "Don't worry, I won't drop you in... Y e t" he could hear Wren walk away, he was now left dangling in the air, the snowflakes covering his hair and body as it began to tremble from the cold. His leg was aching in pain and he could feel tears staining the cloth on his eyes. Was he gonna see his husband and child again? Or is he going to die in the cold waters, alone and scared?

"We are here..." Tari spoke in a concerned tone, she sensed Meggy's heart rate skyrocketing, she gently placed her hand on Meggy's, something felt different though, like a small spark, Meggy's hand felt warm.... And soft, this was new. "B-Breathe Lieutenant... we are going to get that deviant and take him down... I promise" she reassured Meggy, that stutter wasn't normal. What's happening and why is it happening now? Meggy took a deep breath and looked at Tari. "yeah... w-we'll do it together..." Meggy had a panicked tone in her voice, she pulled her hand away and got out of the car. Tari felt a small warmth in her cheeks when Meggy said that, but she dismissed it, following Meggy inside the giant boat house. But they both noticed something, something that cause Meggy's panic to get worse. Another patrol car was parked nearby. Someone else was here. "Shit..." Meggy quickly grabbed her gun from her duty belt and rush inside, Tari following behind her.

SMG4 was cautiously sneaking around, he left Amaya in Mario's care while he left to save his husband, anxiety was coursing through his veins as he listened for any sound for Wren. His eyes darting around for any movement. He was quickly pulled back, he was about to grab his gun til he heard Meggy's hushed yet pissed off voice. "The fuck are you doing here?!" She was keeping her voice low, Tari was looking around, as if she was scanning for anything that showed a sign of One Shot Wren. "I'm here to get my husband!" "This is my fuckin case and you know it-!" Tari soon found a couple of droplets of Thirium, "blue blood.." she muttered, it had completely dried so it was invisible to the human eye, but for Tari. She could see it clear as day. Her eyes flowed the droplets that led to behind a wooden box, she saw a gleam of light, like reflected glass... "GET DOWN-" Tari quickly tackled the two to the ground as the sound of a sniper firing. The group quickly ran, heading out the back to find a safe place to take cover, SMG4 suddenly stopped as his eyes were fixated on something hanging on a chain... "THREE!" He screamed, a sound of desperation and panic behind his voice. 3's head slightly peered up, his body still trembling on the cold. His screams were muffled as he began to struggle. "FOUR TAKE COVER BEFORE YOUR DUMB ASS GETS SHOT" Meggy yelled at him, she was about to duck behind a fallen tree when she heard a voice. "WHATS THE MATTER MEGGY? CANT FACE YOUR OLD PARTNER?" The glitched and stuttering voice box shouted, Meggy froze, her heart pounding against her chest as she slowly turned around, facing him, she could see the machinery that was stained by his own blue blood from the wounds that never healed, his clothes was his old uniform that had his model number were torn and dirty. And his eyes, they glowed a bright orange color from the damage of their last encounter three years ago. "It seems that you have replaced me! How Good for you... you pathetic humans are always "Out with the old and In with the new" with us.." Tari took a scan of his model number,

He used to work with her, Til he went rogue...

Meggy breathed heavily as Wren grabbed a hanging remote. "DONT MOVE OR ILL SHOOT YOUR HEAD OFF!" SMG4 yelled, aiming his gun at Wren, Wren just laughed in a manic manner as he pressed a button, 3 dropped down til the chain suddenly stopped, just dangling him above the freezing waters, 3 scream in fear, but it was muffled. "I wouldn't do that if I were you..." SMG4's heart skipped a beat when he saw 3 drop, "Drop The Gun, Cop" Wren demanded, 4 couldn't help but drop it, thinking that it was going to prevent Wren from drowning 3

Oh how wrong he was...

Wren laughed as he pressed the button again, before quickly dashing away. Suddenly, everything felt slow, Tari's eyes widen as she watched things slow down... she needed to choose...

A: Save SMG3

B: Go after Wren

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