Accepted Out of Pity or Feelings? (Asch x Noi)

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Genre: Fluff


In Ava's room, both Leif and Noi are planning to kill Ava, Leif hovers above Ava and raises one of his sickles, and is about to strike her before Noi stops his sickle with his dagger

Noi: "What are you doing here!?"

Leif: "I could ask you the same thing!"

Noi: "I'm here to kill the sorceress"

Leif: "Well, so am I! What makes you think you should be the one to kill her?"

Noi: "If I kill her, you all have to accept that I'm better and stronger than all of you"

Leif: "Ha! You'll never reach my level, besides, you were only accepted to be a knight out of pity from Asch"

Noi flinches at the last sentence... he had always wondered why Asch had spared him, it wasn't like Daemos to take pity on others, especially royalty. While Noi was lost in thought, Rhys entered the room and started whispering loudly to Noi and Leif to get them to leave Ava's room

Rhys: "What are you two doing in here?"

Leif: "We're here to kill the human, what do you think!?"

Rhys: "Silence! You'll wake the human up, and you both are also going against Prince Asch's orders, he wants to keep the human alive and play along with their lifestyle"

Leif: "Ugh, fine! But whenever we have to kill this human, I'll be the one in charge of that!"

Noi gives a simple nod to Rhys before Leif and Noi walk out of Ava's bedroom and Rhys leaves and closes the door behind him. Half an hour later... Asch was making his way to Noi's chambers to ask why Noi had violated his orders, it wasn't normal for Noi to disobey his commands. Asch walked down a hallway and stood in front of Noi's room, but Asch started feeling nervous when he reached Noi's bedroom door and started feeling a heating sensation cross his cheeks, was he nervous to talk to Noi? Why was he feeling nervous? Asch ignored the strange feelings and knocked on Noi's door.

Noi heard his door knocking and went to open the door and saw Prince Asch standing in front of him with his arms crossed giving Noi the feeling that he wanted to talk about something serious, Noi backed away from the door allowing Asch to enter his room, Asch then started speaking up

Asch: "Rhys had told me you and Leif tried to kill the prisoner, why? It's not like you to ignore my orders, Noi"

Noi was a bit surprised that Asch didn't seem angry, although he still sounded stern while talking making Noi tense up slightly, but Asch would've normally lashed out angrily and yelling, perhaps he was in a good mood?

Noi: "I-I just wanted to prove myself to you guys, that I could kill humans like all of you... without hesitating"

Asch: "..."

Noi: "You're mad, right?"

Asch: "... No"

Noi's eyes widen slightly and he looks up at Asch who seems to blush slightly when Noi had given his attention to him and questioning his calm expression towards him

Noi: "Really? You're not?"

Asch: "Yeah, I'm not mad... I get that you've been trying to prove yourself to us ever since I had you become one of my knights, and it's not like I've tried to kill the prisoner too, at least your reason is slightly more reasonable to Leif's, he just wants to kill someone"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01 ⏰

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