Intro: Don't You Forget It

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Reverse (revamped...again) coming in 2024. Yes, this is my second revamp of this story but I think I like this version a lot better. I've taken more time to plan it out and yes, there is more angst in this one. Most of the story will take place in college with flashbacks to high school moments.

Two Years Prior to Present Day

The nurses stood by her side as security rummaged through her room for the second time that week. They never gave a warning. As always, it felt invasive and embarrassing but there was nothing she could do except stare and hope they made this quick.

"Everything is clear," one of the guards announced, sliding the box of art materials back under the bed. At least that one was nice enough to put her room back in some kind of order. Some of them seemed to think of the patients as criminals instead of troubled individuals who were there to heal. One of the nurses squeezed Olivia's shoulder and followed the security out of the room.

Olivia returned to her bed, a coverless mattress because they wanted to make sure the patients were as safe as possible. At night, the rooms were as cold as the stark white walls. The space lacked personality, unlike her room at home. Being here for the past 15 days felt like she was in a prison. A prison physically and a prison in her own head. Her parents had spent good money for this program. It was one of the best in the state of California. What sucked the most was still being in the state, yet hours away from home in the middle of nowhere. The scenery outside was quite the opposite and she enjoyed her walks through the gardens when they were allowed.

Honestly, she felt like she was getting better. But was she? Or was she being scared into recovery without the tools to stay there when she left this place? Not having contact with the outside world was the most painful part. She didn't get to apologize or speak to anyone before her parents were pushing her into the car and driving three hours away from their lush home in Beverly Hills. Going back home left her feeling uncertain about the future of her friendships. Especially her friendship with her best friend who was currently recovering from a broken arm that would keep him off the football field for awhile.

The look on his face in that hospital bed and the look on Corey and Grace's faces would haunt Olivia for an eternity. How could she ever forget Mrs. James words to her parents, "He's moving back home. Your daughter is a bad influence and could have killed them!"

"Olivia, your session is in five minutes. We'll send someone down to get you," Nurse Joy spoke from the hallway. "Olivia?"

Caught up in her own self-sabotaging thoughts, she waved her hand in response and continued picking at the lint gathering on her hospital pants.


"Did you get to see her before they took her," Coop questioned her friend who was sulking in his bedroom. Since the accident, he didn't talk much at all. But since Olivia was sent away to rehab, the only words he did speak came out harshly. No one could get through to him and it only caused more harm to force words out of him.

"No. You asked me that already," he shot back, kicking over the clothing basket that seemed to be in his way every time he got out of bed.

"You really going to take three buses to keep going to Beverly since you don't live with the Bakers anymore," Coop continued her brand of 21 questions.

"You ESPN or something? How many fucking questions are you going to ask me? Yes, I'm staying at Beverly," Spencer exclaimed,  his frustration making his skin prickle as he paced his room. "My dad said he would drive me until I'm out of this cast."

"What about you and Liv. Didn't ya'll sl..."

That was the end of his already shortened fuse, "Could you stop? Why do you have to be in people's business all the damn time?"

"Dude, I'm just asking. You need to chill," Coop responded offensively. Tamia Cooper was Spencer's other best friend and also a pain in his ass. The amount of fights he had been in trying to protect or take up for her even when she was wrong. "She's my friend too."

"Can you just leave me alone. Please," he asked with a much calmer demeanor. His moods had been all of the place and the only way he knew how to cope was isolating himself from everyone. When he finally heard his door close, he felt his chest untighten before feeling heavy again. How could he miss the signs? They were in front of his face the entire time and he thought Olivia's habits were the typical teenage behavior. Alcohol was never missing from the parties in Beverly Hills, amongst other things that Spencer kept out of his body.

Over that past summer, their relationship began to feel different. Less friendly and more romantic. They saw each other as best friends their entire life, but lately it felt like more. Instead of simply wanting to be around each other, it started to become a need and that was scary. That was unfamiliar. It wasn't normal to feel that type of attachment to a person. Right?

He didn't know when he would see her again or if their parents would even allow it. They had disappointed their parents even though Grace saw being in Beverly around all the privileged children as the prime reason Spencer needed to come back home. They were a bad influence on him. Her child would have never done those things back home in Crenshaw. At least in her eyes.

Spencer threw himself back on his bed, instantly regretting it once the pain shot up his arm. As the clock hit 11:11, he wished for the tornado in his life to disappear.

We will pick back up from here in 2024.

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