#2: Upgrades

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The next day, (following #1) Moon woke up at 11AM, With Solar beside him on his bed and Eclipse standing infront of him, dropping his wrist (After checking his vitals) 

"And That should do it" Eclipse said

"Moon?!" Solar called out, holding Moon's hand infont of him.

(By the way, Eclipse's personality, postures,behaviours and poses are similar to Alistors from Hazbin Hotel)

"W-what happend?" Moon asked, rubbing his eyes from one hand

"You had a rouge malfunction" Eclipse replied

"W-why!?" Moon asked again, rather concerned and shocked

Hearing Moon's question, Solar dropped his hands and looked down, Eclipse noticed and replied "You fell of the balcony and missed the ballpit!"

Solar flinched and turned to Eclipse "eh-?" 

Eclipse signed him to shut the fk up 

"How come I missed the ballpit" He asked to himself

 "Come to my lab at 2:00 you 2, and bring Blood with you" Eclipse left

Solar turned to Moon and hugged him tight

Moon could't recall anything that happend in the past night, but he still hugged Solar back..

"Did I....Hurt someone, while rouge?" He asked

"N-no!, just a few scratches on Blood, but he's fine!" Eclipse reassured Moon, not even being sure himself

Later the 2 went to Eclipse's, where Blood already was

"You're early" Solar said to Blood

"Yes! He had to sign some papers for changing his brothers name!" Eclipse said

"What?" Moon said

"I changed Ves's name to BloodVessel" Blood said with no emotion

Moon noticed the scrathes on Blood's faceplate and arm

"Does he know about this?" Solar asked

"Naur, We're still gonna call him Ves anyway, you know? short for Vessels" He replied again

"Yea okay whatever, anyway why'd you call us here" Moon asked

Blood also turned his attention to Eclipse

"Like I said the other day, for updrages" Eclipse said

"What kind?!" Bloodmoon asked

"Handcannons and Wheel heels!" Eclipse replied

"Wheel heels- That sounds stupid" Solar laughed

"You'll see what I mean.." Eclipse said with confidence

"BloodMoon, follow me dear" Eclipse said

Bloodmoon followed, and Eclipse took the otheres to a room with white walls, floor and roof followed by large glass barriers on one wall

"are we in a test chamber" Moon asked

Eclipse nodded and asked Bloodmoon to come out

Loud motor sounds could be heard

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE......" Bloodmoon screamed, bursting in the room, with motor wheels (yk those boots that have tires under them)

"I CAN'T STOP THEM!" BloodMoon screamed

The others were cackling like wild pigs on the other side


Eclipse deactivated the motors on the other side and Moon helped him back to the other side

"I fu_king hate you Eclipse..." BloodMoon groaned

"You need to get used to them" Eclipse laughed

"You call those Wheel heels-" Solar asked 

"Well, I don't know what else to call them" Eclipse said

"Are you serious, We'll call them...Motor heels" Moon said, putting the heels on

"Can I drift with these things?" Moon asked,

"mhm" Eclipse said,

"Sick!" Moon said

"I am never wearing those every again, I'll stick with roller sticks" Blood said

Everyone started cackling like wild cows

"Whats the problem?" Blood asked in confusion

"Yeah no problem, you stick with your Roller sticks-" Solar said


"I ment Roller blades!"  

"The cannons are way more simple..." Eclipse explained

They all got updates, and eventually got Bloodmoon to wear the Motor wheels, LOL

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