Shards of Emotions

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"A fragile glass once shattered me into countless pieces,
Each day, I held wounds painted anew in crimson hue.
Every scar upon my being mirrors a shard of that glass;
I tiptoed upon those fragments, hearing my body softly plea.

Amidst the swift flow of blood, I longed to embrace
Each shard, confiding secrets, sharing my feelings now.
They mirror my fears, sorrows, and the myriad of emotions;
Yet lodged within my foot, reflecting back my own visage.

In this sculpture of sorrow, painted crimson, I stand—the artist;
I shatter the sculpture, gently extracting those glass shards.
As they're dislodged, my sorrow ebbs with that red-hued blood;
Now, I've replaced the fractured glass, embracing a new start."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2023 ⏰

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