An Introduction.

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The Adults did not mean to stumble upon the nine children so soon, some mere babies, but they had hoped the time was rumored to come. The rumors had circulated that there were people with uncanny abilities, people had seen children throw cars and stop fires, they'd seen couples decimate their block following fights, and humans feared war was not far--just as it was back home. 

It was always whispering down their necks. As destruction and death typically do, like thieves at night and the monsters under their beds. 

The children were divided among the adults, all to live, learn, and survive on the farm in the deep woods of the northern part of the country. The youngest had been sent to avoid civil unrest and as a scouting mission. They were to be well-crafted machines by the time they returned home. 

They were to rule. They were to understand the art of war and politics. The children were to understand how to be human and entirely other than human. 

Mr. Bruno, the Supervisor, took the three oldest girls, Blair, Annora, and Tasia, who were eleven and eight when they were found. They were now the Bruno girls--although what was in their last name never mattered much to them. Blair and Annora, now twenty-one, and Tasia, now eighteen, felt the weight of the world and an impending homecoming were on their shoulders. 

Mrs. Fulhom, a pilot and a weapons trainer, took in the two older boys, Santi and Ezra. They were rowdy, determined, and wanted nothing more than to return home. Unlike the rest of the children, they were blood-related. They were the twins of the Governor and the promised Queen. When the Supervisor stumbled upon them in the rain, Giada was two years old. She's thirteen, and her best friend is a flame. 

Next came Cassian and Kian Andali, twenty and seventeen, who have been hell-bent on making Mr. Andali's life miserable. They are, as most teenage boys are, insufferable and radical, depending on who you ask. They hated learning and were only interested when their 'father' was teaching them how to be pilots. 

Despite their positions, Mrs. and Mr. Resha are the kindest of the Adults. Mrs.Resha is the defense and surveillance head; she is fierce and kind, and Blair wanted to be her when she was younger. Mr. Resha mans the weapons and is by all accounts the weapon's primary, although, with his stature and demeanor, you'd never believe it. Luca Resha, the sole Resha child and the youngest boy--fifteen--was the only one who called the Adults "mom" and "dad." 

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