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"Seymour have you tidied your room yet" Mr mushnik shouted down the stairs to Seymour (his son)" Yes Dad" came Seymour's reply Mushnik continued to read his newspaper for a few minutes untill Audrey came in " you were serposed to be here hours ago" Mr mushnik inquired " I know and I'm dreadfully sorry but I was a little tied up "Seymour comes in not paying any attention to where his is going" I organised these plants for you Mr WOHH"CRASH Seymour had just tripped on his own feet and broken nearly all of the new plant pots"SEYMOUR look what you've done to the inventory" Mr mushnik gives Seymour a swat with the broom he is holding "OW" cried Seymour rubbing his bottom"I can't do anything right can I " Seymour continued angrily "go downstairs I'll be down in a bit to deal with you boy"Mr mushnik continued "Yes dad" mopped Seymour as he left " Audrey darling please clear this up salvage as much as you can please whilst I deal with Seymour"" yes Mr mushnik...Mr. Mushnik don't be so hard on Seymour he can't help the fact he's clumsy"said Audrey worried "don't worry about Seymour if you think will never hurt him I only mean to punish him"replied Mr mushnik" Seymour always says your spankings hurt alot" Audrey said full of concern"Mr mushnik replied calmly"I bet they do but would you rather he have a sore backside for a few days or the pain of guilt trapped inside forever" Audrey remained silent and started sweeping up the mess which mushnik took as a sign that she understood.As he made his way down the stairs to the storage room which was where Seymour slept he could hear a soft crying and as he opened the door he saw that the room had been hasty tidyed as ther were still soil and bits of broken pot everywhere Seymour sat at his small desk crying he had obviously been trying to do his homework but was to upset to focus (Mr mushnik had been teaching him since Seymour never finished pre-school). Seymour was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't hear his father enter the room mushnik tapped Seymour on the shoulder which made Seymour jump "dad"" why are you crying" mushnik asked softly" I was ...scared you...seemed so...so angry and...and I didn't...mean to fall and...break the pots." Stuttered Seymour" I know you didn't son"mushnik replied "you...do"
"yes I do"
"So you're not going to spank me"Said Seymour hopefully
"That wasn't why you were getting a spanking in the first place "said mushnik"come here" Seymour shook his head"why not Seymour" "can't we wait until Audrey has left Please" Seymour begged "I wasn't going to spank you yet I just wanted to ask you a few questions"Mushnik explained"ok"Seymour said nervously as he took a seat next to his father on his bed "why did you think I would spank you for tripping over and breaking a few flower pots"mushnik asked" I don't know I guess it was the fact that you were shouting and you gave me a swat with that ruddy broom thanks alot for that it still stings a bit"replied Seymour"oh yes I bet that hurt alot sorry that was a bit to in the moment and mind your language or you will be tasting soap my boy"
"sorry dad"replied Seymour not wanting to have his mouth washed out with soap mushniks next question was"Why do you think you are going to get a spanking"
"Is it because I... I don't know tell me Please" asked Seymour "Think" came mushniks reply"Is it because I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and I could have gotten seriously hurt"
"Yes and the fact you lied to me"Mushniks slightly firmer voice had come on now
"When did I lie dad"
" About tidying your room this morning you told me you had and then I come down here and see this room like this"Mushnik said sternly" sorry dad I got distracted by the marigolds there wilting again I'm sorry"said Seymour " if you ever need help just ask now let's head up stairs and help Audrey." Once they got upstairs Audrey was sat at the workstation making flower arrangements as soon as she saw Seymour she whisked him away to the workstation and as they were making new flower arrangements Audrey asked"are you ok Seymour how hard was he on you""I'm fine nothing has happened yet we just talked about what I did and why I will be punished later"Seymour answered he felt comfortable talking to her about these things " I'm just curious I don't mean to be rude but why did he send you downstairs just to talk when you could have gone in the prep room or outside." Audrey inquired" he wanted to make me believe I would be spanked straight away because of how much stuff I had done to earn the spanking"Seymour replied " If you don't feel comfortable talking about this I don't mind we can talk about something else but if you don't mind what did you do to earn your spanking because surely just tripping over I sent enough"Audrey said"it's because I lied about something I don't want to talk about that the fact my rooms a mess because of it and the fact I could have gotten seriously hurt this morning when I wasn't paying attention to where I was going"Seymour said"is it ok if we stop talking about this please""Yes of course Seymour by the way i think you need some new clothes not trying to be rude or anything but a young botanical genius has to look the part"said Audrey kindly they talked about clothes and plants for about an hour before the clock struck 6 and Audrey packed up her stuff and went home "Seymour"mushnik said "go to your room I'll be down in a minute I just need to lock up"Seymour knew what was about to happen replied"yes dad"as Seymour went downstairs he remembered the mess that his room was in and started tidying after about half an hour Mr mushnik came down and sat on the armless chair Seymour had placed in the middle of the room(he knew what was expected of him)"Seymour come hear and get over my knee" Mushnik asked calmly Seymour stood still not facing his father "if I have to come get you I will use the hair brush"Mushnik said" do I need to start counting" "no sir" Seymour said quickly Mr mushnik could tell Seymour was in the dark place as they called it.Seymour had gone back to calling mushnik sir rather than dad Seymour walked over but didn't go over his fathers knee
"Seymour" Mushnik said sternley   "I can't please help me" Seymour said  after Mushnik had pulled Seymour over his lap he gave Seymour around 10 swats "go and fetch your hairbrush Seymour" "Why dad" Seymour stuttered "why do you think" Mushnik replied"But you said you wouldn't" Seymour replied" he walked over to the dresser .He was dreading the hairbrush Seymour grabbed the brush and handed it to his father hand shaking "why are you shaking Seymour?"Mushnik asked " I...I...don't ...know" Seymour replied still shaking "When was the last time anyone spanked you"knowing that he was the only one that spanked Seymour "Well noone else spanks me and this is the first in a while I think about 6 months" "And how old are you Seymour"Mushnik asked
"20"Seymour said"What is 6x2"
Mushnik asked "12" Seymour replied confidently" and 20-12" Mushnik asked "8""that's all your going to get with the brush Seymour ok" Seymour nodded"over my lap Seymour"Seymour shook his head"I can't" "why can't you" mushnik asked "I don't know I just can't" Seymour said " ok then let me help you again" mushnik said as he pulled Seymour over his lap. Seymour landed with a small oomph he protested when Mr mushnik pulled his trousers and briefs down"Seymour why?"mushnik asked Seymour stayed quiet afraid if he said anything he would cry "answer me Seymour"Seymour shook his head that landed him his first swatt

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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