Newest Convict | Chapter 1

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Monglane handed Wriothesley the newest prisoner report, "Sir, this report here is for the new convict. He is being charged by the Oratrice Mechanice d'Analyse Cardinale's guilty judgement. He is Tartaglia, alias Childe, 11th of the 11 Fatui Harbingers hailing from Snezhnaya.

"I see, thank you for the report Monglane. I will send out a volunteer to help with his tour." Wriothesley dropped the newest report on his desk, going back to his kettle to brew another fresh pot of tea of the peppermint kind. It was his favorite kind of tea. Peppermint was always such a fresh, enriching flavor with a multitude of health benefits as well.

Monglane stilled, playing with her fingers, "That reminds me sir, he has been causing a ruckus since his arrival. I came here specifically to report to you on his misbehavior. I think it would be fitting for you to deal with the matter yourself."

"Thank you for bringing this to my attention, Monglane. I will deal with this matter immediately," Wriothesley rose from his desk.

"Thank you, Your Grace!" Monglane bowed before she scrambled down the stairs and left. At this moment, Sigewinne burst into his office.

"Your Grace! The newest convict has been causing chaos already! Challenging Gardes and other prisoners to fight! I've had so many people come to the Infirmary seeking healing already!

"Ah yes, Monglane has already brought this matter to my attention. I was on my way just now." Wriothesley walked towards Sigewinne.

Sigewinne grabbed the report off of his desk, "It has been a while since we've had such an enthusiastic person come to the Fortress. I think he is quite interesting in terms of fighting style of physical appearance. The way his facial muscles tense when he grins in the middle of a fight does not bring me joy like other smiles do. Instead, I receive mixed feelings of fear and nausea. The air around him is suffocating! And then I came here sir! After all, there is only so much a melusine can handle!" The melusine pouted.

"Let's see, what other information do we have about him?" Sigewinne flipped through the pages of the report, "11th Fatui Harbinger, Alias Childe, tendencies to fight, affinity for bloodlust, uses a bow & arrow, and also possesses hydro... daggers? Interesting character."

"Hm," Wriothesley continued walking, "I could take him."

"In a fight? He's a Fatui Harbinger sir! The 11th! He is most certainly to be a powerful opponent!" Sigewinne warned the administrator.

"..." Wriothesley remained silent, turning his gaze towards the melusine. A smirk grew on his lips. He hurried down the stairs, the melusine not far behind him.

Sigewinne's eyes widened, "In a FIGHT, RIGHT?"

"You could say that..." The doors to his office were pushed open. Outside, Gardes laid defeated. They kept walking til they heard yells of mercy.

Wriothesley's eyes wandered in front of him where the Harbinger, standing over three Gardes on the ground unconscious, stood panting.

"Tch. Light work." Childe spit out blood, turning towards Wriothesley and Sigewinne. The two stopped and stared at him silently.

Childe looked at the two, eyes shifting from Wriothesley to Sigewinne before stopping at Wriothesley, "You must be the boss here, yeah?"

"And if I am?" Wriothesley crossed his arms.

"Fight me."


Childe latched onto the other man's arm, "What? C'mon!"

"I am not interested."

"I've been itching for a fight for a while. C'mon comrade! You can choose how we fight! I'm quite an amazing fighter if I may say so myself! I haven't had a good fight yet! I must say that your Gardes are all below average which is not a good sign for a place that is supposed to be a prison! They have better security in Mondstadt and everyone's always drunk or hungover there!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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